We bought a new car

Pudsey Bear

Full Member

Liz wanted to get some bits an pieces for her kids sandwich shop, so we did that and as were driving home she said shall we look at cars as were in main dealer car showroom road in Bradford, so we were already passing Ford etc so would need to turn round so I nipped into the MG dealers, I said seeing as we're there we may as well look at the used one, stupid money for used so we went inside to see what the new ones were like not expecting to like any of them.

We pick this up in black on Monday, all being well with the finance.

We drove it around for quite a while on different types of road, a friend who is a proper car nut petrolhead who said he would never buy an auto bought one a couple of months ago and loves it to bits so we tried it, Liz and I may not be petrol heads but we do like a nice car it drives exceptionally well for such a cheap car, it's a new model this year too, it's quiet and very comfortable.

We wanted an auto and we wanted something to get in and out of easierly, also neither of us has bought a new car so it solves that as well, we're very pleased.

Oh yes when we got home Liz reminded me that I'd just filled it up with diesel so I ordered a drill pump so it'll go in the van.
When I am at the house I love driving the Hyundai hybrid Kev. I always have auto except for bikes and this is the first one that’s ever done what it says for mpg
Supposed to do 60mpg, it also is self charging so no plug in needed, it has a 360 camera setup too and when I drove it back to the dealers I asked the sales girl how confident she was with the accuracy of it as it gives you a figure to the obstacle I took it back to 3.3cm I knew from the screen I'd not hit anything, but when I looked it was as near to a foot as I'd like to guess on a screen.

Some very good reviews of it too.

We're really keen to see how it all works tbh Niel.
Interesting that the line "such a cheap car" and a price ticket of over £21k is in the same discussion!

"wow" is all I can say
We looked at a comparable spec car used and they're not that cheap really, some much more than £21k even a few years older, anyway we bought it so it's a moot point.
I hate that term “self charging” and I seem to recall that the advertising standards authority tried to get it banned. The battery is either charged by plugging it in or,in your case, from the petrol engine (with a little help from braking regen). It means that you are effectively carting around a combustion engine to charge the batteries - how inefficient!
Apart from that it looks a really nice car and I’m sure that you’ll love it.
I hate that term “self charging” and I seem to recall that the advertising standards authority tried to get it banned. The battery is either charged by plugging it in or,in your case, from the petrol engine (with a little help from braking regen). It means that you are effectively carting around a combustion engine to charge the batteries - how inefficient!
Apart from that it looks a really nice car and I’m sure that you’ll love it.
I thought ours only charged the battery’s at first but it doesn’t, it drives the wheels as well as charging. It self charge as in self contained unit, but you know that lol

Kev, ours gets 68mpg, never had anything near that in an auto, in fact nearly all my motorbikes were nowhere near that, my XS11 did 25mpg but was good fun haha
Of course you are correct Tony, it a bit misleading but it doesnt use much, not a massive battery I want to look more into it but not found any useful info yet.
No point in buying a hybrid, still have all the cr-p of a engine to service plus ex pipes etc, either go one or the other, 21 g feck no money you tell us.
Good luck with the new car and hope all goes well, 21 g feck im still on the floor gasping. 😂
Ok got it now.man hole.jpg
I thought ours only charged the battery’s at first but it doesn’t, it drives the wheels as well as charging. It self charge as in self contained unit, but you know that lol

Kev, ours gets 68mpg, never had anything near that in an auto, in fact nearly all my motorbikes were nowhere near that, my XS11 did 25mpg but was good fun haha
Never got above the XS650 in Yamahas, I did have intentions on the XS1100 but never got there, similar with the Suzys, I never got higher then the POC GN400, only had one Kwac POC VN1500, Honda I did better though, 3 wings, CX, etc.
On the way home yesterday Liz thought we should get a smaller van a PVC, I nipped that one in the bud sharpish as it isn't what she said last week, I know why she said it, she wants the minuscule more space it would make on the drive width wise, not much really maybe 6 inches due to its shape and how I have to park it.
Kin hell fire Chaps & Chapesses, Ladles & Jellyspoons

Just rang the insurance to change the car for Monday, £525.37 extra, we did only renew in June but bloody hell, asked about cancelling & we would get £209.26 back so on the hunt hor a better price now :( :(
Can't even get a quote yet, not on the database.
I did notice on the test drive that it has the new speedlimiter jobbie on it, I'm curious to see how well that works, it doesn't come with sat nav so I assume the cam on the front bumper does it somehow, but what if it get dirty.

Also interested to see how the mpg does over a tank full as a lot of our driving is around town.
Speed limiter for given roads? probably has GPS (I think most cars seem to have GPS (which is not the same as Sat Nav)).

Better hope it doesn't confuse Miles and KMs and you get limited to 70KMH on the Motorway! (they use KMs in China remember ;) )
Can't even get a quote yet, not on the database.
Ask the garage if MG have their own insurance, think it’s gone up on a lot of leccy and hybrids from what’s posted on the net.

That new speed limiter shouldn’t be active in the U.K. as it’s not a requirement here. Fitted but not enabled is how it should be. Or do you mean the speed limiter where you set yourself?
Ask the garage if MG have their own insurance, think it’s gone up on a lot of leccy and hybrids from what’s posted on the net.

That new speed limiter shouldn’t be active in the U.K. as it’s not a requirement here. Fitted but not enabled is how it should be. Or do you mean the speed limiter where you set yourself?
Good point Niel on the speed thing , it just came up on the dash and as it was a test drive I didn't push.

Re the insurance, I did ring MG they do sod all not even accessories, missed an opportunity there, the sales lass said use "compare the meerkat" so I did, I just got a £209 refund from Esure, and the AA was the best quote at £412, so we're ok with that bearing in mind the two vehicles vast difference, and for £15 I protected the NCB.

We are a bit pissied of as there is a version £2k cheaper no heated seats & 360 cam etc but all the good bits were but they didn't tell us as they had no stock but to save £2k we might have waited.
Good point Niel on the speed thing , it just came up on the dash and as it was a test drive I didn't push.

Re the insurance, I did ring MG they do sod all not even accessories, missed an opportunity there, the sales lass said use "compare the meerkat" so I did, I just got a £209 refund from Esure, and the AA was the best quote at £412, so we're ok with that bearing in mind the two vehicles vast difference, and for £15 I protected the NCB.

We are a bit pissied of as there is a version £2k cheaper no heated seats & 360 cam etc but all the good bits were but they didn't tell us as they had no stock but to save £2k we might have waited.
If this is intended to be a long-term car (I am guessing so), then having heated seats would be a sad omission - and if you lose those you would probably lose the heated steering wheel as well I think (I love my heated wheel! :D ).
and the 360 cam I bet will be something once you start using you will find you miss not having it on the van as likely to be very useful.
In other words, the extra cash on those is worth it to make the car better for many many years.

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