Weather Report..................

The rain has stopped in Herts! Having said that, the river Lee is at the top of it's banks and the horses opposite the house will need to take care lest their shoes rust.
We had a covering of frost first thing but now it's just above freezing with a light grey covering of cloud. The air is still so I plan to nip around the lanes on the Brompton with the intention of stirring it up somewhat.

Colin 🙂🙂🙂
Just had an email about the extensive floods in our hometown in much rain! I will stop whingeing about the frost daily......and actually the thermometer now registers 15c as sun has come out! Not quite up to smug filter standard though!
There's plenty of snow falling on Hertfordshire this morning.
The big kid in me finds it very attractive indeed.
The sensible old man in me wonders if I'll fall off my bike later.
That's about 96% to 4% then.

Colin 🙂🙂🙂
Same again as yesterday...hit 22 c in the sun briefly yesterday then plummeted to 4c about 4pm. Water starting to freeze in pipe this morning, had to run it for a long while to stop it. Fire alight and lot of tea made, so cosy indoors.
Living in the balmy microclimate we get here on Bute in the Firth of Clyde, we get to miss all this nasty white stuff that seems to be visiting most of the rest of the country !
Since the only trips out I should make are for essential reasons I am grateful that I have these sort of views to enjoy when having brekkie or lunch !

