Weather Report..................

The forecast was for constant rain, and when it started with a bright blue sky I became smug that they were wrong. 😂

It's now tipping down and in for the day, exactly as predicted. ☹️

My New Year's resolutions must include being less judgemental of professional forecasters. 😳
After overnight rain we have ongoing drizzle under a grey sky, but with 12°.

We still got our morning walk in 'cos anoraks dry quickly enough.
We were sitting in the sunshine, trying not to be smug about the unbroken blue skies and gentle breezes that are forecast all week.
Jenny has hung up my winter coats , from the hallway.
The wind changed, blowing in low damp clouds.
We're inside, with all the heating on.. drying the laundry that we had to rush in.
Coffee and brandy is most necessary.
The weather men still say it's lovely, out there.