Well that went very very well

The laird

Rally Organiser

this last week I've been fencing off my sons back garden as they were in Poland on holiday
they had no idea or clues as to what Fiona and myself were doing ,new fence up new ironmongory grass cut small nick naks for the boys on the fence sandpit etc
today at 13*30 I picked them up from Edinburgh airport ,stopped at a few stores they wanted messages from so had to make up a excuse to head to their home a different route or they would see what I done
got to the house and their jaws dropped totally speechless and just about in tears
the wife and her sister who is over from NZ were hiding and jumped out shouting surprise ,In this case money cannot buy what I saw in them faces and the boys as well
Hope that guy upstairs was watching 😀😀😀😀😀👍
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Am doing well here Gordon,
This year has been mostly about getting the van sorted out and upgraded.
The van had a fair bit of essential work for its Mot back in April.
Worn out bits and pieces being replaced on Thursday ( on the van - not me, yet! )
After that am aiming to be back down to Lockerbie in August for the final titivation - getting resprayed.

Hopefully that should let me get back out and about from September, once the tourists have had enough.
Am doing well here Gordon,
This year has been mostly about getting the van sorted out and upgraded.
The van had a fair bit of essential work for its Mot back in April.
Worn out bits and pieces being replaced on Thursday ( on the van - not me, yet! )
After that am aiming to be back down to Lockerbie in August for the final titivation - getting resprayed.

Hopefully that should let me get back out and about from September, once the tourists have had enough.
Well done hope you keep well enough ,Fergie wasn't too good the last I heard fae him but onwards and upwards pat
take care
Well done hope you keep well enough ,Fergie wasn't too good the last I heard fae him but onwards and upwards pat
take care
Aye getting there my friends, meds all changed ops put on hold, and its just day at a time but i'm sure Pat won't let this old dog slip away quietly. Van still here, new skylights in, toilet refurbed and my two daughters have hatched a scheme to do up the inside (I need to be worried!! pink, tutu's and fairy's all spring to mind!!) and yes I will be the one doing the spraying, got mine to touch up also!! so trying to remain positive and hopefully I will get back out there, hopefully!!!
this last week I've been fencing off my sons back garden as they were in Poland on holiday
they had no idea or clues as to what Fiona and myself were doing ,new fence up new ironmongory grass cut small nick naks for the boys on the fence sandpit etc
today at 13*30 I picked them up from Edinburgh airport ,stopped at a few stores they wanted messages from so had to make up a excuse to head to their home a different route or they would see what I done
got to the house and their jaws dropped totally speechless and just about in tears
the wife and her sister who is over from NZ were hiding and jumped out shouting surprise ,In this case money cannot buy what I saw in them faces and the boys as well
Hope that guy upstairs was watching 😀😀😀😀😀👍
You don't fancy a couple of weeks in Birmingham do you?
Need a garden room building, garden sorting out and a new driveway.
Handy for the airport too!

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