Went to ...


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My English Archery Club yesterday (my Scottish Archery Club is on Mondays ;) ) and did some clout shooting.
Idea with Clout is to try and get as close to a peg some distance away.

Initial problem is actually seeing the peg .... photo taken from the shooting line
If you look carefully, you can see a white peg - not that one, that's the juniors peg.
Look more carefully and there is another peg with a white flag on it - not that one, that's the ladies peg.
keep going further out and there is a peg with a yellow flag on it - that's the one! That's the gentlemens peg set at 165 Metres. Quite pleased with myself that I actually managed to get within 5 metres of it with a couple of arrows 🏹🏹

Still got a dodgy ankle and going to retrieve arrows and back to the line is a 1/5 mile walk each time so I switched to target shooting instead.
30 Metre distance was still a bit of a hike when you do a couple of rounds
No chance I would see those in the pic, may in real life but may well not lol
What yellow flag BigD ?
Very hard to see the flag in the photo, but with the naked eye you can just about make out a post once you know when to look.

A view from the flag to the other end of the field .... (the shooting line is a few meters nearer than the horsebox (the white roof on the left edge of the field).
Sadly my club folded during lockdown. Next nearest is a couple of drives and a 1h40 ferry ride away. You're so lucky to have 2 nearby!
Sadly my club folded during lockdown. Next nearest is a couple of drives and a 1h40 ferry ride away. You're so lucky to have 2 nearby!
Certainly closer than yours for sure, but the English club is still a 30 minute drive each way.
"Down south", so say somewhere like in the East Berkshire area (where I kind of orginate), I saw around 10 clubs within a few miles of each other -incredible!
Certainly closer than yours for sure, but the English club is still a 30 minute drive each way.
"Down south", so say somewhere like in the East Berkshire area (where I kind of orginate), I saw around 10 clubs within a few miles of each other -incredible!
This is my wee horsebow which is completely bare (I also have a "short longbow" which has the added luxury of a shelf)
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Looks good :) I quite fancy having a go at one of those sometime. I have the "Olympic" type of Recurve Bow (I do like my gadgets :) )
They really are great fun, though I think the two types ('bare' & 'gadget') provide completely different sports
I won an Archery competition when I was about 12 at Butlins Holiday Camp Filey I still remember how much I enjoyed doing it.
I won an Archery competition when I was about 12 at Butlins Holiday Camp Filey I still remember how much I enjoyed doing it.
I was going to bring some kit to Kelso one year for people to have a go but apparently wouldn't be covered by insurance? (not sure why as arrows would have big rubber bungs on the end rather than points)
Hi David, Sounds like you enjoy your archery and have great fun with that.
With my dad being from Kilwinning, I know all about the Kilwinning society of Archers and their unusual papingo shoot.
Have you ever had a go at that, or fancy trying that ?
Hi David, Sounds like you enjoy your archery and have great fun with that.
With my dad being from Kilwinning, I know all about the Kilwinning society of Archers and their unusual papingo shoot.
Have you ever had a go at that, or fancy trying that ?
I'd never heard of that so just had a little search about it ... sounds like good fun :) might have to try and see about introducing something like that as a fun competition. (Getting a target 120 foot up ready to shoot at could be a bit tricky though so bit of adaption could work?)
Tbf - Kilwinning archers have had a long of history with their papingo shoot !!
The silver arrow trophy is absolutely magnificent !!

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