Whale killing


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A Cruise ship docked in the Faroe Island and it's passengers were treated to a horror scene of whale killings going on, sorry say the Cruise ship company

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A brutal annual event, same happens in Japan, no need for it.
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The Whales were a vital food source at one time. Now it is jst a brutal and senseless tradition. Hopefully it will die off with the old people. I cannot see the young'uns carrying on with it.
Thanks for sharing.
It’s why I’d never go, nor to Japan. I have a choice to not visit places and see things I don’t like. Never been to a bullfight for example.
Quite so. The difference is that sheep/cows/pigs/chicken are all bred specifically for food and are despatched humanely.
Never been to a bullfight.
We were in Spain and saw in the tourist information office a poster for 'Bull Running". We asked what it was, hoping it was nothing to do with bull fighting. No, it was a local spectacle in an arena where young bulls were let loose with socks on their horns. In the centre of the arena there were piles of straw bales. Anyone who dared could enter the arena, then a bull with the socks on was let in and would chase the (usually) young man around. If the young man could take the socks off the bulls horns he would win €50. It was hilarious watching the action with the young man usually running away from a charging bull, and then sometimes suddenly turning towards the bull to try to get the socks off. If he wanted a rest, or sometimes to escape the bull the young man would jump up on to the straw bales, and for some reason the bulls never attacked the straw. Somewhere on this computer I have about my favourite photo, of a young man in full flight from a bull. Both of them have all their feet / hooves off the ground, they are travelling so fast. Naturally I cannot now find the photo. Boo.

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