What 3 words stopovers .

My Son, an IT Professional, warned me off Basefook for anything social or personal.

His company uses it though.
That tells me something.
He doesn't have a WhatsApp account in his own name, either.
Everything is handled through Duck Duck Go.
That's the last thing (buying) I'd use it for, personally.
The level of scammery (I probably made that word up) is frightening.
Yes the only place you can buy a 2023 motorhome for 5 k. ..

It’s a 2023 he has had it for 10 years and now it’s for sale.
However he lives in. Local but it’s stored in London. .
Send me £300 and I will collect it and bring it round .
Face book is full of them.
Yes the only place you can buy a 2023 motorhome for 5 k. ..

It’s a 2023 he has had it for 10 years and now it’s for sale.
However he lives in. Local but it’s stored in London. .
Send me £300 and I will collect it and bring it round .
Face book is full of them.
Behind the times, don in law was at a dealers last week and they had 2 Motorhome’s under £6k, 2 under 7K and quite a selection under 11k.

Yes older models and won’t be without issues probably but they are about
My Son, an IT Professional, warned me off Basefook for anything social or personal.

His company uses it though.
That tells me something.
He doesn't have a WhatsApp account in his own name, either.
Everything is handled through Duck Duck Go.
Paul, I was an IT professional and I use Facebook, WhatsApp and some others.

If people aren’t silly it’s safe enough lol. I even use my real name as a username
For those of my generation who do not, and cannot, comprehend why Facebook exists:

I am trying to make friends outside of Facebook while applying the same principles.

Therefore, every day I walk down the street and tell passers by what I have eaten, how I feel at the moment, what I have done the night before, what I will do later and with whom.

I give them pictures of my family, my dog and of me gardening, taking things apart in the garage, watering the lawn, standing in front of landmarks, driving around town, having lunch, and doing what anybody and everybody does every day.

And it works just like Facebook. I already have 4 people following me: 2 police officers, a private investigator and a psychiatrist.
Well it is good you are getting out more and without Matron so progress there then,
Paul, I was an IT professional and I use Facebook, WhatsApp and some others.

If people aren’t silly it’s safe enough lol. I even use my real name as a username
Concur fully.
I have been closely associated with the interweb pretty much since its inception, mainly publishing instruction manuals/handbooks/ Tech Bulletins/Recalls etc. online, but also using various forms of social media including many forums, Farcebook, Insta, etc. etc.
Just be sensible and all is fine.
I've never been hacked or scammed in any way in all that time, and still have enough marbles about my person to continue using it safely... as far as I can tell 😉
I must admit that it was 2015, when we got our first smartphone.
It's getting a bit much, when your eldest is a fuddy duddy.

We don't feel that we're missing anything and don't really have the time to spare.
Keeping up with Wildcamplng and this site is more than sufficient.
I didn’t mean to turn this into a FB bashing thread, my views are probably a bit biased, I admin three camper related groups and my comments reflect the type of FB user and their posts I encounter regularly ….

As for marketplace I find it a brilliant source of bargains and a far easier way to sell all sorts of crap that would otherwise probably be going to the dump….

Don’t think I will ever be buying or selling any high value items such as vehicles through there though the sheer amount of scam sales usually from hijacked accounts are staggering!
I'm always interested to know what useage people who would never use Faceache have had of it.
Yes I'm a user but friends list is private and restricted to a 100 or so. Yes I know it opens me up to being scammed but then so does a lot of media. Yes I know people ask daft questions but we were all ignorant once of info we now take for granted. Yes you get keyboard warriers; just ignore them. Yes you can get fake info or inaccurate replies. Do further research to check it out. I avoid games and stuff like that but I have gained tips in many areas of life including my hobbies and other stuff. I check it's accuracy. FB is a tool and like many tools is open to abuse. Much of our info is in tge public domain now like it or not.
All I can say is those who add their out of the way quiet camping spots are going to find them all over the internet and next time they go they won't find any space. It seems like one of the first things people ask when the join a forum. Where can I park near a pub and near a nice beach for free.