What do you use?



What do you use?

What bedding do you use in your van?

We use a quilt. so far it's been good. May have to rethink when it gets super warm in the summer...or get Phil to fit aircon :Wink_Emoji:
Wooie1958;n12257 said:
Same type we use in the house, quilt and fitted sheets.

We use a duvet on both the beds with fitted sheets,we use separate beds as mrs wakk doesn't sleep too well because of the medication she is on and doesn't want to disturb me.At this time of year we use a 13.5 tog rated duvet but will swap to a lighter one of around 8 tog when the weather warms up in april or may time.
Duvelay memory foam mattress and duvet all in one roll, can change quilt from winter to summer if you wish, I thought they were expensive at the time but had them four years now and still great so easy just to unroll and your done , no need to worry about uneven cushions. Ours came with extra set of bedding which I haggled for when I rang ,got a much better deal talking to them than buying online. And they are easy to change the way the duvet folds over so doesn’t matter which way round you sleep, I frequently change from my head facing the cab to the back of van depending on how level we are.
Duvet - light in the summer but the heavyweight one in winter. If one of use is having restless nights we make sure we take a spare double duvet for the pull-out bed and then just fold the duvet over to make a pastie - cosy! Guess who gets to sleep in the pull-out bed though. :Shyly_Smiling_Face_
When in the UK, a mattress topper and swap heavy and light duvets, as necessary.

South of Saumur..

Management wears Chanel number 5 ... I wear a big grin.. Covered with a sheet.
+2 for Duvalay, all the advantages of a sleeping bag with none of the disadvantedges

Memoryfoam in a duvet cover below and a winter or summer duvet on top. These are stored overcab as we don't have a fixed bed, but it takes under 3 minutes to convert our lounge into a fully made up bed and vice versa.
A combination really. There is such a variation in ambient temperature in our motorhoming from as low as -17c to as high as 40c+ you have to be prepared for all. I tend to use a big heavy down duvet for winter and maybe an unzipped sleeping bag or two on top of its really Baltic and in the summer, one or two unzipped light sleeping bags (Sheet underneath) or if its really warm just a thin cotton sheet on top.
We use a goose down two in one duvet , spring summer winter

goose down because its very light weight and I tend to get cramp with heavy bedclothes

we have fixed beds so storage isn't a problem

fitted sheets below


We use a thin pure silk duvet for 9 months of the year.
It's very lightweight and seems to be able to compensate for the rise and fall in temperature over 3 seasons?
During deepest winter we use only a medium thick duvet but carry a large fleece throw for very low overnight temperatures.

Oh! And a large very black dog who enjoys a snuggle!
Also duvet on fixed bed, the matress os which is comfortable so just fitted sheet. Two different duvet thicknesses for winter and summer.
As we have to make our beds every night I made a top and bottom sheet all in one like a sleeping bag, then on top we have unzipped sleeping bags we bought years ago that can be tucked in all round. we have never been cold. When it too warm we replace the sleeping bags with blankets. We´re in single beds by the way, too many ups and downs during the night to sleep together. Double bed at home though.
2cv;n12308 said:
Memoryfoam in a duvet cover below and a winter or summer duvet on top. These are stored overcab as we don't have a fixed bed, but it takes under 3 minutes to convert our lounge into a fully made up bed and vice versa.

Practice, laddie, practice.
Similar model van, different layout... Same rules, though.

If you put the top duvet away first, then the pillows, then the bottom duvet, finally the mattress topper.. Its like packing a parachute.
It all falls out in the right order.

1minute 43 seconds, drunk or sober !
Pauljenny;n12434 said:
Practice, laddie, practice.
Similar model van, different layout... Same rules, though.

If you put the top duvet away first, then the pillows, then the bottom duvet, finally the mattress topper.. Its like packing a parachute.
It all falls out in the right order.

1minute 43 seconds, drunk or sober !

Amazing, thats exactly how we do it. I think our extra 30 seconds are due to it being further to the bed ftom the stowage on ours ?
We have two duvets on the bed; one light-weight and one heavier. Depending on the weather light or heavy goes on top and we sleep between them or under both of them if really, really not warm.
Our beds like the one from seven dwarves we needed two double duvets and two double fitted sheets. But the killer is my misses has a fetish for cushions I sware you can’t get a seat in the house for stupid cushions anyway about 10 pillows and 10 daft cushions.

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