Where can I buy a side pelmet from?

Millie Master

Full Member

Does any kind sole know if there is anyone out there who manufactures what I would term as being a pelmet to block off the underside of the van when parked up with either a windbreak or awning up?

I am not wanting one to stop a draft, more to act as a barrier to stop my dogs going under the van when parked up. Yes I know in my tugging days all awnings came supplied with one which fed into the awning track along the bottom of the caravan, but of course a panel van doesn't come equipped with one of these!

Many thanks
One method that gets used in the VW camper world is putting an inflatable single bed under the sill and pumping up enough to fill the gap.
Cheap and effective for wind AND dogs.

Also a sheet of plastic. Pegged down to the ground and attached to the van sill with magnets would likely work?
Thanks one and all for your input.................... My boss SWMBO has decided she has some canvas like material which she is going to sew some loops into through which we will feed some pegs to hold it in position, after all it isn't to stop the wind simply as a deterrent to stop the dogs going under the van when we are parked up.


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