where to in UK?


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Hope you are well.
New to motorhome but before buying one we will hire one up to max 7m for a few days.
How do you look for where to go in a motorhome?
Do you use an app or do you just start driving and park wherever you decide to rest, watch the scenery, etc.?
Hope you are well.
New to motorhome but before buying one we will hire one up to max 7m for a few days.
How do you look for where to go in a motorhome?
Do you use an app or do you just start driving and park wherever you decide to rest, watch the scenery, etc.?
Some use campsites, some use wilding spots, some use a combination of the two. One thing to consider is obtaining fresh water and disposing of grey and black water. Various websites, apps, etc. are available; you may find the wildcamping.co.uk site useful - full members have access to an extensive database of locations in the UK, France and Iberia.
If you are a newbie and hiring then stick to campsites at first. Be friendly and chat to others as most motorhomers like to help and will show you the ropes. Searchforsites is a useful place to find campsites. Try not to be too ambitious and travel too far initially.
If you like it then join up here for loads of sound advice.
Hope this helps.
Decide where you would like to go and for how long. Look for campsites close by and if they look half decent, book a few nights.
Then pay your subs and join here, you’ll get lots of ( mostly) useful advice and tips for when you eventually buy your own motorhome.

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