Yet another one from Facts


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Yet another one from Facts

Hello to all Motorhomers - I recognise rather a lot of new members......
I guess I can't upload an avatar until I've been formally accepted by mods. I'd better be on my best behaviour or it might be a long wait....... :Smiling_Emoji_with_
Many thanks, Admin. Avatar now loaded and visible !

Out of interest, I loaded a PNG file rather than a JPG, and it works equally well. I'll check to see whether your excellent 'Help' page refers to the various formats permissible.

Just checked and format options are not mentioned. Is it worth adding a note to your help page stating possibilities (ie JPG, PNG, PDF etc ?)
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HurricaneSmith;n7938 said:
Many thanks, Admin. Avatar now loaded and visible !

Out of interest, I loaded a PNG file rather than a JPG, and it works equally well. I'll check to see whether your excellent 'Help' page refers to the various formats permissible.

Just checked and format options are not mentioned. Is it worth adding a note to your help page stating possibilities (ie JPG, PNG, PDF etc ?)

I shall add it to my list, thanks.
Good grief, I've come from a place where everyone is routinely ignored when they offer help. Here, even the owner replies with a positive comment. Thank you! Kind regards, John
Thanks for the welcome, Phillybarbour. I'm still finding my way around, and occasionally goofing, such as finding out who liked or thanked a post and instead clicking that option myself. :Very_sad_emoji_icon
HurricaneSmith;n11960 said:
Thanks for the welcome, Phillybarbour. I'm still finding my way around, and occasionally goofing, such as finding out who liked or thanked a post and instead clicking that option myself. :Very_sad_emoji_icon

I am still working on the like / thanks system. Once complete it should be a lot better.
Thanks Graham. It's been ages since we spoke 'elsewhere'. It's also nice to meet up with other old friends....... and also new acquaintances.

It feels a friendly place to be.

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