Burstner Model


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Having seen a Lovely Van at our Dealership was wondering anyone got one of these and what Model they do look a nice Van
My first van was a Burstner which I purchased on advice from a friend who has had several and still preferred the 747 over the Elegance. The only reason I sold it it was getting on a wee bit.20220505_183533.jpg20210709_175501.jpg20210825_200833.jpg
I have a 15 year old Burstner Nexxo T660, still good inside, will stay in good condition as long as a bit of care is taken. Have to go round occasionally tightening up bits and bobs, I also changed any steel screws to stainless to avoid the inevitable rust holes in wood.
Love this one , made the mistake of looking round our Dealership the other day and saw one similar to this looked on there site later guess what !!! It had gone grrr.
The Germans do seem to make nice MHs. We have a Carthago 6.4m A Class absolutely love it. They seem to have thought of just about everything. Few niggles like an oven that was hotter outside than in which found itself on ebay and a drawer fitted instead. It is very well put together. We downsized for this one and it's far easier to park and find parking spaces. Plenty of room for two and a dog and two large double beds.
Your spot on with Workmanship the Burstner we saw was a Harmony Line 744 with end bed stunning Van but we're lmtd to 6 mtrs to fit on drive plus we only had our Eldiss 2mths , wish we had seen this model before we bought ours , never mind will enjoy what we have for the moment then maybe later look out for a Burstner 590 if the Lottery comes in. 😀
Your spot on with Workmanship the Burstner we saw was a Harmony Line 744 with end bed stunning Van but we're lmtd to 6 mtrs to fit on drive plus we only had our Eldiss 2mths , wish we had seen this model before we bought ours , never mind will enjoy what we have for the moment then maybe later look out for a Burstner 590 if the Lottery comes in. 😀
Our Ixeo 590IT Sovereign is a 2016 5.99m Motorhome; Models produce between about 2015 and 2019 had the floor laminated with an environmentally friendly 'green' glue. Unfortunately. it was green but totally useless. About 8 weeks ago, I noticed our floor began to delaminate [2-3mm movement]. Camper UK at Lincoln are the appointed Repairers, and told me that a] for Vans 5 years or older, we have to contribute £1750 to the repair cost; and b] we cannort have the Repair work carried out until 2nd December 2024 [twenty four!]

We used the Van at the Kelso Rally and the delamination had worsened [as Camper UK had forewarned us]. with the deflection now the size of my palm [tennis ball+ circumference] and the top surface is flexing by about 12mm, bit like walking over a deflated beach ball ...

Hopefully you'll get it sorted soon , must be a worry , think like with all Van's/Cars ect there's the chance of faults occurring.
Our Ixeo 590IT Sovereign is a 2016 5.99m Motorhome; Models produce between about 2015 and 2019 had the floor laminated with an environmentally friendly 'green' glue. Unfortunately. it was green but totally useless. About 8 weeks ago, I noticed our floor began to delaminate [2-3mm movement]. Camper UK at Lincoln are the appointed Repairers, and told me that a] for Vans 5 years or older, we have to contribute £1750 to the repair cost; and b] we cannort have the Repair work carried out until 2nd December 2024 [twenty four!]

We used the Van at the Kelso Rally and the delamination had worsened [as Camper UK had forewarned us]. with the deflection now the size of my palm [tennis ball+ circumference] and the top surface is flexing by about 12mm, bit like walking over a deflated beach ball ...

Ours delaminated too, Perthshire Caravans relaid the floor (under warranty). Is there any way you could use them instead?

As for contributing to the cost, this has been a known problem so it's clear the van flooring wasn't fit for purpose.
We've had 2 and both been great vehicles.Would have bought another if they still did an smallish A class with rear lounge when we ordered the last van
"this has been a known problem so it's clear the van flooring wasn't fit for purpose."
Surely if this is the case it should be covered by the Manufacturer & for them to cover all costs ?
Ours delaminated too, Perthshire Caravans relaid the floor (under warranty). Is there any way you could use them instead?

As for contributing to the cost, this has been a known problem so it's clear the van flooring wasn't fit for purpose.
The Van is outwith Warranty, Jo, and Burstner's stance is quite uncompromising, £1700 contribution needed, take it or leave it; and on the Thread I found elsewhere. someone who floated the idea of a Class Action against Burstner reported the Hymer Group response as 'happy to see you in Court where we will fight you all the way'

The Van is outwith Warranty, Jo, and Burstner's stance is quite uncompromising, £1700 contribution needed, take it or leave it; and on the Thread I found elsewhere. someone who floated the idea of a Class Action against Burstner reported the Hymer Group response as 'happy to see you in Court where we will fight you all the way'

Start a blog highlighting the issue for others to see getting support fron others with the same issue a copy of the Hymer group response and potentially putting off new sales may change their mind.
Love this one , made the mistake of looking round our Dealership the other day and saw one similar to this looked on there site later guess what !!! It had gone grrr.
sorry climbing up to bed in your seventies no thank you we like comfort not to mention getting up in the middle of the night a few times. our first m/h was a hymer drop down bed BUT that was 17 years ago . it looks like someone has chopped the back end off & its not that much bigger than a PVC & the European m/h's most don't come with a full size cooker . but at the end of the day you pay's your money & take's your choice so you have to look into buying a m/h that you won't regret buying . cheyenne

Start a blog highlighting the issue for others to see geeting support fron others with the same issue a copy of the Hymer group response and potentially putting off new sales may change their mind.
Nice idea, but a] Hymer owned by Thor Industries of US who will have access to company lawyers that I could only dream of; b] that I could never afford to pay; c] I'm 70 next month, and it's doubtful that any Case would be heard and finalised whilst I'm still alive; d] I've better things to do with my remaining time

But I'm happy to continue to report on Burstner's response to a problem of their creation and leave potential Buyers to make their own decisions. 'Do ya feel lucky, Punk?' style of thing, before you hand over huge wads of cash in the hope that Burstner don't have another triumph of engineering ineptitude up their sleeve, and the arrogance to 'support' it with Customer Service Indifference par excellence

Hopefully you'll get it sorted soon , must be a worry , think like with all Van's/Cars ect there's the chance of faults occurring.
Work not scheduled until December 2024 as I posted previously. On the bright side, I only have to save £100 per month to come up with my £1700 contribution ...

sorry climbing up to bed in your seventies no thank you we like comfort not to mention getting up in the middle of the night a few times. our first m/h was a hymer drop down bed BUT that was 17 years ago . it looks like someone has chopped the back end off & its not that much bigger than a PVC & the European m/h's most don't come with a full size cooker . but at the end of the day you pay's your money & take's your choice so you have to look into buying a m/h that you won't regret buying . cheyenne

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On the Lyseo 594 the Bed drops right down so you don't need a ladder...just rob a Bank.... as said I'm lmtd to 6mtrs to fit on drive .
Work not scheduled until December 2024 as I posted previously. On the bright side, I only have to save £100 per month to come up with my £1700 contribution ...

Sounds like Hymer supply parts/ materials free of charge, you pay the labour charge.

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