Fuel additives


Full Member

I know that the subject of fuel additives has been discussed on here years ago, but I wonder if anyone has any first hand experience, positive or negative, of using Hydra Maximus.
Yes I know Bill, but I don’t always trust reviews, if I can’t get any first hand experiences, I may buy some and just see for myself.
It's one of those products (additives generally) in which it is hard to know if it really makes a difference :unsure:

I used to use a Product called "Diesel Rhino" on my VW T4 diesel when I ran it on SVO (Pure Rapeseed Oil) just as a "why not" choice - added 1p/litre to the fuel cost so not much in the overall fuel cost.
I have been doing some research into Hydra International. They are a British company, based in Milton Keynes, and have been operating for 25 years. Their product reviews are very encouraging, so I think I may give it a try, and form my own opinion.
When we get back from Portugal, I will post my findings.
I've not seen that before. I use archoil d-max in MH and Berlingo. Both have showed better smoke test results when using it.
Wouldn't say any better mileage. But both start on the button and run smoothly, especially the MH.
Yes I have tried that as well, that company is based just around the corner to me, but I feel that, assuming the reviews are accurate, that Hydra Maximus is more inclusive ie cleaning the injectors.

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