Weather Report..................

Does the Dawes have a trailer for logs as well ? .......... 🤔🚵🏻‍♂️🛒

It's strange that you should ask that, Dave. Over the years this trailer and bike combination must have brought back to the house several of tonnes of wood from the surrounding lanes and cycle paths:


The trailer is rated at 100kg and I'm confident that it's been overloaded more than once! My favourite is elm - around here it seems to grow for about 20-30 years before it succumbs to Dutch Elm disease. So the trunks reach about 20 cm diameter which is about right for my bow saw. Once they've died back the bark falls off and the roots gradually rot so they're a doddle to push or pull over. I usually strap a large box on the trailer and cut the logs to size before hauling them home. Elm is a hard wood so cutting isn't fast but they burn nice and slowly so on balance work well for me.
The farmers are happy because I save them having to remove them lest they topple across the lanes or cycle paths.

Colin 🙂🙂🙂
It's a brilliant, bright start to the day in Herts with a stiff breeze and air at about 2°C right now.
So yes, it's a chilly bike ride up to Dunstable Downs and, no doubt, a latte in the warmth of the visitors centre.

Colin :):):)