My spring has unsprung (habitation door lock)


Full Member

One end of the coiled spring (circled red) has come adrift on my habitation door lock (which is why it looks partially unwound) meaning the door opening mechanism doesn’t pull the black plastic catch far enough round to open the door. I can only open it from the inside by manually pulling the catch further round, which is what the spring is meant to do. However I can’t work out where the spring should be attached - possibly hole 1,2 or 3 in the photo.
Is anybody familiar enough with this lock to advise which hole or maybe post a photo of their identical lock? This lock is on a Hymer Mli and the only identification I can see is the manufacturer name “Bauer” on the door window. The lock is normally covered by a white cover held in place by 4 clips and is really easy to remove.
Any help or suggestions would be appreciated.

Thanks, Tony

Looks to me as though the spring may have broken.
Top picture it seems as though the bottom coil has a fracture, seen just right of centre at bottom coil.
I thought that as well but when I managed to get hold of the loose end the spring is complete but there is a funny looking bit there, like a sharp kink.
Can you take the spring off?
If not can you move the spring around and verify both end tags are intact?
If the spring is complete as original, then I'd have thought it unlikely that either tag would detach from its mount point.
Possibly to get the spring off you'll need to remove the spire clip, difficult, but if you carefully get a flat bade under it and a small screwdriver under the individual arms you can normally prise it off and keep in good enough condition to re use.
If the spring wasn’t broken before it is now!! That was clearly a weak spot in the first picture and removing the spring without using any force at all finally broke it. A temporary fix using an elastic band is now in place and the door opens and closes easier than it ever did before, although I think I need to carry a good supply of elastic bands with me. Now to source a spring.
Thankyou for your replies.

Had a similar problem with a Dethleffs door think it was a Hartel door I did a fix using elastic bands too then tried to get springs and parts and it came down to replacing the door at €2000 so I bought a big bag ef elastic bands used it that way for a year and as you say it worked better than before traded it in like that wonder if the new owner has had any problem. Yours looks an easier fix though but it’s buying the spring without the whole lock or door if that spring was for anything else it would be £5 at most but attach the word motorhome and it’ll be £40 £50
Just had this on my Rapido door. Local model shop. 1 x length of .7 or .8mm spring steel wire (85p) 2 x snipe nose pliars. 1x bolt of similar thickness to spring pin firmly held in vice. Wrap spring steel round bolt & basically copy profile of original including kinks n bends of the end pieces. Took 2 goes but has now been working perfectly for over 3 months now. 😊😊👍
The return spring located by Wooie was ordered and delivered within a matter of days. Thanks very much Graham. I’ve taken a few days to pluck up courage to fit it as the rubber band solution was working well. However decided to fit it in the sunshine this afternoon anticipating spending a couple of hours and I managed in 10 minutes - job done.
Thanks everybody ,especially Graham (Wooie) for your help and advice.

Wooie our Liverpool party was cancelled for obvious reasons so won’t be down in Cop Lane this weekend or for a long while it seems.

Hi new member here, can anyone help? Spring came loose inside lock but no idea where or how it goes back in? Cheers Paul in Ballymoney


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