Ad blue question

They hold 10-20 litres every second fuel up fill up ad blue whether needed or not or you can crystallise the dpf ( ad blue system)
This can cost a lot of running issues as well as expensive repairs!!!!!!!
Agree with that Gordon.

Another question about Adblue.

Found the answer:D
For anyone interested.
AdBlue should be stored in a cool, dry location out of direct sunlight, and preferably indoors in stainless steel or plastic containers. It's important to note that AdBlue will freeze below -10ºC, turning it slushy, but this does not impede performance or quality.
They hold 10-20 litres every second fuel up fill up ad blue whether needed or not or you can crystallise the dpf ( ad blue system)
This can cause a lot of running issues as well as expensive repairs!!!!!!!
I didn't know that! How does topping up stop the pdf becoming crystallised ? I'm not doubting what you are saying but would like to understand how. I only get 1500mls or so each fill.
I didn't know that! How does topping up stop the pdf becoming crystallised ? I'm not doubting what you are saying but would like to understand how. I only get 1500mls or so each fill.
Adblu contains uric acid ....and it forms crystals for fun (look at any adblue spillage )
General thought is crystalline deposits block the Adblu breather cap and then cause the Adblu pump to strain and eventually fail OR cause issues with delivery amounts .

Regular top ups help to keep the adblue from settling in the tank (despite driving agitating the tank slightly )
BUT more so from regular venting of the tank too .

For the cost and amount of adblue ...just brim the tank .
My work van drinks it like I drink white wine and real ale ....
Adblu contains uric acid ....and it forms crystals for fun (look at any adblue spillage )
General thought is crystalline deposits block the Adblu breather cap and then cause the Adblu pump to strain and eventually fail OR cause issues with delivery amounts .

Regular top ups help to keep the adblue from settling in the tank (despite driving agitating the tank slightly )
BUT more so from regular venting of the tank too .

For the cost and amount of adblue ...just brim the tank .
My work van drinks it like I drink white wine and real ale ....
White wine and ale does not sound like a good mix!
So are the crystals formed due to the presence of oxygen? Where if your topping up on a regular basis there is less oxygen within the tank.
And wine has a contributing factor (although small) in the disease gout which is caused by uric acid crystallising in the joints. It particularly affects the feet causing the sufferer great pain and an inability to walk.

So really allowing ad blue to crystalise in the tank is like giving your vehicle gout!

They hold 10-20 litres every second fuel up fill up ad blue whether needed or not or you can crystallise the dpf ( ad blue system)
This can cause a lot of running issues as well as expensive repairs!!!!!!!
I didn't realise they hold that amount. With everyone saying not to put too much in due to light use to stop crystallisation, I thought just a couple of litres would be find. Maybe that is why the light is still on after having driven around 70 miles. I shall put the other 3 litres in that I bought. First time with ad blue so learning curve.
And wine has a contributing factor (although small) in the disease gout which is caused by uric acid crystallising in the joints. It particularly affects the feet causing the sufferer great pain and an inability to walk.

So really allowing ad blue to crystalise in the tank is like giving your vehicle gout!

One of the most painful conditions I've ever suffered with to be honest ....

Imagine as a nearly 60 year old bloke being reduced to tears when having to hobble to the loo for a slash ....

I'm ashamed to say completely self inflicted ...

And completely treatable by reducing the amount of alcohol drunk .

I truly truly would recommend avoiding gout in any way shape or form .
Can anyone advise me? I have a Fiat Ducato.
Once the Adblue light comes on how urgent is a topup?
I know this is a bit like asking how long is a bit of string but can I expect 100 miles or even more? Or do I need to refill at the next fuel station?
On ad blue systems there's also a count down that if the system goes faulty it will count you down sometimes from 800 miles or more or less then it don't start and the fun and games can begin