I have a friend in Tamworth who managed to get one and he is a member of both a cycling club and a walking group, he didn't need much info from his Doctor and he has none of the symptoms that Kev posted so clearly he lied on his form but not enough checks were in place.
We struggled to get one for my MIL in Hertfordshire and she was in her 90's, she had to see a doctor (not her GP) and was originally refused, we had to get letters from her specialists before they granted her a badge.
It’s been sketchy for quite a few years now Tel, I have heard of parents getting a blue badge for a child with ADHD or similar acronym.
It's all crazy really, no joined up thinking, all council lead, it should be a national system not local.
You pay £10 for a blue badge it cost nothing else

shops and councils have obligations to supply disability parking spaces
So really it is down to the form and the answers given if you get one or not.

However not all disability parking spaces are the closest to the entrance .
And there is NO legal requirement to do so.

Just supplying space is enough to avoid any disability discrimination claims. So far as parking goes…
Liz and I were just talking and she said she had parked in a BB bay and put my badge on the dash, I'm not happy about that, she walks fine and has no other issues or so I thought.

When we are out together we use the badge the way we're/I'm entitled.

If she goes out alone she always parks at the end of a row so she can out and back in.

She has had both knees replaced and she is left with very little bend, stairs are a problem but she refuses to use a lift as she's not happy in them so she uses the stairs.

I knew getting in and out of the car was a problem but not how much, I thought it was getting out of the seat, but it turns out after 14 years it because if I don't leave her room to open the door wide she physically cannot get in or out.

So, as we all know car parking spaces are very narrow and the new car is a bit wider than the Fiesta so it's come to a head now.

Do you think she would be able to get a badge just on that premise?
You need to apply for PIP. It is a long process taking months. Fill out the forms on line of the disability, problems walking, getting in & out, stairs, needing help with simple day to day things. You will then get a phone interview where they will ask leading questions DON'T BE LEAD. Tell them how bad it is. Once you get PIP then apply for blue badge (my clowncil take three months) once you have your blue badge then whey up which vehicle costs the most to tax, ie car or motorhome, think about all those clean air zones popping up. Take the v5 together with your PIP proof to the post office they will stamp it, send it off & Walla you can drive through the centre of London & stick two finger up at khan.
You can’t claim pips after 66 years of age.
Your have to claim AA Attendence allowance That does Not automatically entitle you to a blue badge but it helps you may need to send your details of AA and a medical letter. Having said that some times just the full details of the AA is enough.
You can’t claim pips after 66 years of age.
Your have to claim AA Attendence allowance That does Not automatically entitle you to a blue badge but it helps you may need to send your details of AA and a medical letter. Having said that some times just the full details of the AA is enough.
Discrimanation against others. 😂 rac.jpg
My wife has one. She needed a physical examination to qualify. It was granted for three years. After a knee and hip replacement she can walk again. She occasionally uses it still (it has a year to run) when she has a bad arthritic flare up. She wouldn't qualify for a renewal. I never use it if out on my own, though for parking in Edinburgh on the rare times I go in, it's very tempting given the sky high parking charges.
When caring for my dad and MIL, I got them both blue badges - or more correctly the doctor said they need one, here's the form I'll sign it. Anyway there are times when you, able bodied driver, can park using a blue badge. The most logical and memorable one is when you are going to pick up a disabled person from somewhere. I can't be sure but it may include visiting a disabled person that you are expecting to pick up, but don't actually collect them. Or, of course, if you have a big BMW because you are making up for your other deficiency in the manhood department, you are indeed disabled.
When my MIL was in hospital dying, as it turned out it was her last night, I drove to the hospital late in the day and parked on a single yellow line outside the hospital - a wide road, not impinging traffic flow. I parked about half an hour before the start of the de-restricted time next to a single upright pole with what may or may not have been a parking restriction sign. The sign was completely obliterated front and back with wide black adhesive tape, which must have taken several minutes to apply so I thought it was official. 30 yards along the road there was a similar pole with restricted parking times. Cars were parked all along this bit of road.
Anyway we were a long time in the hospital because MIL was dying, and indeed she passed away at about 02:30. When we returned to the car with her death certificate we had a ticket. I appealed with a photo of the obliterated parking restriction sign, they said theres a sign 30 yards down the road. I said my MIL was dying and we were visiting her. They said send the death certificate, which I did, and they let me off.
One thing i never agreed with is wheel clamping, just say problem as above post or a child takes sick and outside a hospital, or mother & baby return to car late at night in the rain to find a clamp, farbetter to send a fine in the post as they have the reg.
Here is what we do with them using a battery grinder.;)dvla.jpg
My wife has one. She needed a physical examination to qualify. It was granted for three years. After a knee and hip replacement she can walk again. She occasionally uses it still (it has a year to run) when she has a bad arthritic flare up. She wouldn't qualify for a renewal. I never use it if out on my own, though for parking in Edinburgh on the rare times I go in, it's very tempting given the sky high parking charges.
Think you'd be morally justified in Edinburgh
You can use a BB if picking up or dropping off the BB holder anywhere that they would be able to.