Dead battery


Full Member

I've done it again. Went to turn over engine at storage; not a flicker dead as the proverbial Dodo. Happened earlier in the year and battery was replaced. So if won't charge if mechanic can get to me any suggestions please for other causes. All electrics were left off and radio taken out. Thankd
A battery will only last a few weeks when left without a charge, either use a charger on site or bring the batts home and place on a smart charger.
Thanks Phil thats really kind of you. Please can I let you know after I've spoken to the mechanic at 11 because he's seeing it as a favour.
Get someone who does to check as isolator could solve problem of drain if you have it :) It would be a relatively easy and cheap solution
The battery was at 7.7v and would not charge initially (smart charger). I used an older analogue battery charger to get it charging and now the Smart charger has taken over in reconditioning mode. The battery is a Bosch S5 013 and is just over a year old.

I have it charging through a shunt/battery meter so I will be able to see how much energy it will take to charge it fully. When I refit the battery I will put a meter inline to see how much parasitic load there is.
The battery was at 7.7v and would not charge initially (smart charger). I used an older analogue battery charger to get it charging and now the Smart charger has taken over in reconditioning mode. The battery is a Bosch S5 013 and is just over a year old.

I have it charging through a shunt/battery meter so I will be able to see how much energy it will take to charge it fully. When I refit the battery I will put a meter inline to see how much parasitic load there is.
The help and advice you give people is outstanding. Well done, Phil. Have a lovely Christmas.
If the battery is that low i don't hold much hope, it will never recover to a full charge and will fail soon or not have a long power duration output.
Yes, I agree if it has been left at that voltage for a period of time. This is a Bosch power frame battery that is the same as the Varta so it may recover.
Thanks for what you are doing Phil. Do you think I will have a viable battery in the end. Also on the subject of New year whether I will get enough charge into leisure batteries on the drive up not to freeze?
Well done Phil, glad you have sorted it out.

When I went off travelling to Portugal in my Adria a few years ago in winter, I left one of those little solar thingies in the window of my Trooper (the solar on the roof was only connected to the leisure battery) and when I came back it was all fine. You do need to have a permanently live cigar lighter socket though, on most vehicles it goes off with the ignition.
Well done Phil, glad you have sorted it out.

When I went off travelling to Portugal in my Adria a few years ago in winter, I left one of those little solar thingies in the window of my Trooper (the solar on the roof was only connected to the leisure battery) and when I came back it was all fine. You do need to have a permanently live cigar lighter socket though, on most vehicles it goes off with the ignition.
No use as it is direct to batteries, there must be a regulator inbetween.

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