Do we have any would be doctors on here?

I'm still puzzled by the pain I'm getting, I went to bring a wheelie bin up from down the hill the other day and I was in a lot of pain going down (stupid boy) but coming back up it was agony, but not so much from the hip joint more the muscles in my thigh, it go to the point where I couldn't put my foot down to take another step, fortunately, some chap driving past realised I was in trouble, stopped and took the bin up for me and secured it, but it took me ages to get back into the house, I had to sit a while before I could go up the steps & when I got inside I had to sit for ages before the pain subsided enough to let me move again.

What's worse is Liz has finally admitted that she has hip pain too, but only in the actual joint, no muscular at all so I need to know what that is I can bear the joint pain for now, but the muscle pain stops me doing much.

So the reason for this post is to ask if those who have had their hips done had the muscle pain too?
I have found that magnesium spray can help greatly with muscle pain.
Thanks Bill, my concern is if tgere is something else going on, going to ring docs again tomorrow.
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That might be a way forward Bill, my issue with meds online is who sells the best ones, I don't mind buying but don't want to buy rubbish like Holland and Barratt sell.

This is the knee problem now I remember the name and it may be self-inflicted as I was brought up to drink a pint of milk a day for strong teeth and bones, and I drink at least that as we get through a 4 pinta every day with cereals and coffee etc.

That might be a way forward Bill, my issue with meds online is who sells the best ones, I don't mind buying but don't want to buy rubbish like Holland and Barratt sell.

This is the knee problem now I remember the name and it may be self-inflicted as I was brought up to drink a pint of milk a day for strong teeth and bones, and I drink at least that as we get through a 4 pinta every day with cereals and coffee etc.

I’ve used the one in the link and it’s good. Just make sure that you get one with 200mg in 10 sprays as some only have 100mg.
Still trying to figure out how/why a spray works Bill, I may go for vitamins as they can disperse through all my joints.

How often do you use the spray Bill?

It transpires that the hormone jabs are possibly responsible for the hip problems and I have to have a Dexter Scan to look at me bones.

So for now I've ordered calcium and magnesium tabs.

It transpires that the hormone jabs are possibly responsible for the hip problems and I have to have a Dexter Scan to look at me bones.

So for now I've ordered calcium and magnesium tabs.
"Calcium and dairy product intakes have been positively associated with prostate cancer risk. An imbalance in concentrations of calcium and magnesium has been associated with multiple chronic diseases, although few studies have examined the relation with prostate cancer aggressiveness.",relation with prostate cancer aggressiveness.

Also to the Prostate Cancer,IU Vitamin D [44]. which indicates that different authorities have very different views on dosage.
It's a bloody minefield out there in medical land, there are too many conflicting theories and anecdotal comments.

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