Fridge settings.

Kev the amount of folks on our forum that have trouble with there 3 way fridges . Some one is all ways saying its not work on gas or not working on main 12v eats the battery I would not have one given to me .
The gas section needs the burner and jet cleaned every two years or so: this takes about 20 minutes.

Three way fridges use no battery at all when on 12v because they run off the alternator, not the battery.

The reason high spec motorhomes still have them that they are the best, but also far more expensive.
One of the joys of buying and selling badly looked after vans, but the faults made them cheap enough for us to buy them and fortunately, I was up to fixing them sufficient to make a few bob when I sold them on a few months of use later.
The trick is to know how little you can get away with doing, and then sell it for a profit. I have been working on my 1999 Transit for about two months now. If I had wanted to make a profit I wouldn't have replaced two tyres, changed the gearbox and rear diff oils, paid £950 for four new injectors and fuel pump, new solar regulator etc etc. And sticking to the topic I am just going to fit three PC fans and a thermostat to the fridge vent.
What I would have done is get a new MOT with the existing tyres, fitted 10 new shiny brass colooured plastic cupboard knobs, sprayed the wiper arms black, polished it including the roof, fitted a used rear light lens to replace the broken one, hoovered and shampood the upholstery, and OK, the Carver water heater didn't work so I paid £45 for a new burner to fix that. The rest of the work I did was not necessary. I paid £14k for it and I reckon I could have sold it for £19k. I would have spent about £110 on it. However as I want to keep it, I need to get it to my standards.
That's the way to do it, I make them look as good as possible, take in depth pictures somewhere nice as you're selling a dream if it's a newbie, I'd show everything working even down to having hot water in the tap and once sold I hand over an instruction book (even if it has manuals) in case someone like Barry buys it, I have even done a YT video for some folk.

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