Good Morning all, and what are you getting up to today?

Well, that didn't go well, I was about to go for a shower, sat on the edge of the bed and my back twanged, I couldn't even stand up again so I had to ring and cancel, but they were ok about it.
morning all........have to phone telephone company (a big job in itself....trying to understand foreign accent)
just noticed they have charged me almost £3 for a call to a 0300 number which is a free number/////////
other than that....trying to keep cool.
Today is a shopping around day for the items we don’t order on line.😒

Still every so often it’s what one has to do. Least it not raining today….
morning all........have to phone telephone company (a big job in itself....trying to understand foreign accent)
just noticed they have charged me almost £3 for a call to a 0300 number which is a free number/////////
other than that....trying to keep cool.
This from .gov site seems to say 030 numbers are not free.


This from .gov site seems to say 030 numbers are not free.


thanks winks......thought i had better check before i got myself all stressed up.....phoning the it does appear that 0300 no.s are free if included in package. (which they are) , however, package i think only covers first 50/55mins.......called was for 1 hr. 12 mins........dont know if i have been charged for whole 1 hr 12mins or the extra mins. after 55 mins. decided to give it a miss......made a note to myself keep an eye on time.......having said that i was waiting on phone for 45 mins at least before anyone answered. things are not like they used to be.....customer service gone to pot.........cheers winks.