Internet Forums



Internet Forums

Stolen from another group but so true...
How many Facebook group members does it take to change a spark plug?
1 to change the spark plug and to post that spark plug has been changed.
14 to share similar experiences of changing spark plugs and how the spark plug could have been changed differently.
7 to caution about the dangers of changing spark plugs.
27 to point out spelling/grammar errors in posts about changing spark plugs.
15 know-it-alls who claim *they* were in the industry, and that "spark plug" is an electrical device threaded into the cylinder of an internal-combustion engine to ignite the fuel mixture by producing timed sparks between electrodes.
2 to post that this group is not about spark plugs and to please take this discussion to a spark plug group.
27 to defend the posting to this group saying that we all use spark plugs and therefore the posts *are* relevant to this group.
16 to debate which method of changing spark plugs is superior, where to buy the best spark plugs, what brand of spark plugs work best for this technique, and what brands are faulty.
2 to post URL's where one can see examples of different spark plugs.
12 to post to the group that they will no longer post because they cannot handle the spark plug controversy.
4 to suggest that posters request the spark plugs FAQ.
16 to post "F".
44 to ask what is a "F"?
4 to say "didn't we go through this already a short time ago?"
3 to say "do a Google search on spark plugs before posting questions about spark plugs".
1 forum lurker to respond to the original post 6 months from now and start it all over again....
That's a gem, 2cv. although I'm sure I've experienced that before. I think it was associated with solar panels - or was it leisure batteries? No, hold on a minute, it was about levelling ramps. Or was it refillable gas systems.? No, definitely generators. Perhaps silverscreens? Hang on a minute, could it have been back to back chargers or possibly the best tyres for Mohos..........................

Colin :smile::smile::smile:
Full Member;n16015 said:
That's a gem, 2cv. although I'm sure I've experienced that before. I think it was associated with solar panels - or was it leisure batteries? No, hold on a minute, it was about levelling ramps. Or was it refillable gas systems.? No, definitely generators. Perhaps silverscreens? Hang on a minute, could it have been back to back chargers or possibly the best tyres for Mohos..........................

Colin :smile::smile::smile:

Maybe it was head light bulbs?!!
teejay;n16021 said:
Maybe it was head light bulbs?!!

It could easily have been headlight bulbs, teejay!
This thread brings a whole new meaning to the saying 'What goes round comes round'!
I'm grateful to 2cv for starting this one. I'm expecting him to post something similar on Groundhog Day.

Colin :smile::smile::smile:
Full Member;n16024 said:
It could easily have been headlight bulbs, teejay!
This thread brings a whole new meaning to the saying 'What goes round comes round'!
I'm grateful to 2cv for starting this one. I'm expecting him to post something similar on Groundhog Day.

Colin :smile::smile::smile:

Cannot find anything on net about groundhogs,are they smaller or bigger than hedgehogs:Tears_of_Joy_Emoji:
trevskoda;n16063 said:
Cannot find anything on net about groundhogs,are they smaller or bigger than hedgehogs:Tears_of_Joy_Emoji:

It's a three legged amphibian found in south east England, Trev. Like snakes, there're not found in Ireland.

Colin ???
2cv;n16067 said:
Groundhog Day is one of my all time favourite films.

I really enjoyed it too, 2cv. Both funny and poignant.

Colin ???
Full Member;n16071 said:
It's a three legged amphibian found in south east England, Trev. Like snakes, there're not found in Ireland.

Colin ???

Are they the ones that block outside lanes on m/ways.
We should start a gassing thread soon...
Give it few weeks n there'll be one in the Daily Wail.
I've just heard from a friend that his uncle's mate's sister's boyfriend's Dad knows someone who heard from someone else that they had their Moho broken into whilst they were asleep.
Apparently all their valuables were stolen.
They heard not one iota and even their dog didn't stir. In the morning they all had really bad headaches.
I've heard that there are gangs of rogues touring POIs in the UK and Aires in France perpetrating this kind of crime. It seems that they simply spray an anaesthetic into the Moho which knocks out the occupants before the rogues break in without leaving any trace of entry or exit.
Should I be concerned about this happening to me? If so, is there anything that I can do to minimise the risk to me and my loved ones?

(Blame Chris - he thought I should alert you all).

Colin :smile::smile::smile:
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Full Member;n16416 said:
I've just heard from a friend that his uncle's mate's sister's boyfriend's Dad knows someone who heard from someone else that they had their Moho broken into whilst they were asleep.
Apparently all their valuables were stolen.
They heard not one iota and even their dog didn't stir. In the morning they all had really bad headaches.
I've heard that there are gangs of rogues touring POIs in the UK and Aires in France perpetrating this kind of crime. It seems that they simply spray an anaesthetic into the Moho which knocks out the occupants before the rogues break in without leaving any trace of entry or exit.
Should I be concerned about this happening to me? If so, is there anything that I can do to minimise the risk to me and my loved ones?

(Don't blame Chris - I thought I should alert you all).

Colin :smile::smile::smile:

Now you've really got me worried, can you believe your friend's uncle's mate's sister's boyfriend's Dad?
Edina;n16418 said:
Now you've really got me worried, can you believe your friend's uncle's mate's sister's boyfriend's Dad?

I'm sure we can, Chris, though I can't vouch for the 'someone who heard from someone else' link in the chain.
I feel that these things need to be out in the open where we can debate how we will cope. I'm sure you'll agree that thinking 'It won't happen to me' is not a sensible option.

There are other rogues out there modifying posts. Beware!

Colin :smile::smile::smile:
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