Keeping children under control at meets.

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There has been a lot posted in past years about keeping dogs under control at meets but not a lot said about children, while at the Rutland meet there were children playing at the back of Sue’s van she heard a bang on her van but passed it off as a tennis ball hitting the van but while filling up her van with water before leaving Rutland I noticed a hole in the side panel on her van this hole had broken the skin. On thinking about it another member found a yellow golf ball and so putting 2 and 2 together looking at the pictures what do you guys think costly damage to her van we have rules for dogs maybe we need rules for children tether them to their owners or keep them under parental control.
That is pretty significant damage I would say and I would be mightily peed off if it happened to me :(
I would think a golf ball is much more likely to be the culprit as you suspect, rather than a tennis ball.

Problem is people who let their kids run feral are usually people who ignore requests to keep them under any controls (I've had an inflatable chair wrecked by kids who used it as a bouncy castle while their parents stood by)

I'm thinking maybe extend the use of my wild animal cage .....

Prison Pony
by David, on Flickr
That is very annoying!

I have interrogated grandson who was looking for a dog ball in the long grass - he denies any knowledge....
Dog's, Kid's, & Generators if you got one You can't live without them and think their wonderful
william & louie found a golf ball while searching for mollys ball it was near the cut grass through the overgrown section about 30ft in and to the left from sues van i would think to bounce that far it must have come from the other side of the site near the hedge on the right looking towards the road the golf course is only one field over the long grey shed top right is the driving range hitting straight from right to left but i would think a prodigious hit to reach our parking area , i would be more than peed off myself if it happened to mineDDFA9105-5342-43E3-A1BB-F18E28D1A7C8.png
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Well that sucks.

Did any of the kids have golf clubs? I'm thinking along the lines that a child possibly wouldn't be able to throw it with enough force to cause the damage, but it's not something I've ever tried!

On the plus side, if there is one, I imagine it's a fairly easy repair for someone who knows what they are doing.

Hope you get it fixed soon, and can I please use this opportunity to say if anyone sees Tommy doing something he shouldn't, tell me. I'd be very grateful.
We moved from the original spot we had because of the children playing with balls and frisbees close to the van, it wasn't children from the meet though these were from the group in tents next to our area.
We had seen the children from the meet playing and they were very well behaved, just enjoying themselves so maybe the ball was from some of the other vans close by.

I would also be very annoyed if that damage was done to our van, we have a few small dents that are easy enough to repair for me but the paint is impossible to match, I am going to fill and smooth the dents and put a graphic over the area, well one day I will:confused:
I saw a man, quite a bit up the field, with a club and golf balls; looked like he was practising chipping. Wouldn’t have thought he would have hit it that far but........
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Having read the thread so far, I understand how annoyed Sue must be with the damage to her van but we were on a large site with a lot of other campers.
Although I understand your concerns I don't feel it necessary as it stands at the moment to try and enforce rules as far as children are concerned and as for the damage it could have been an adult.

As I have found that the children who come to our meets well behaved.
I have just read the post from Anne which affirms my thoughts.
When we was at Chester I had to go and tell a group of ADULTS to stop playing football near our vans , it is surprising what damage a ball can do if it hits your window or mirror , fair play to them as they did stop , sometimes they just don't think about the consequences but when they have to dig into their wallet to pay for the damages it is too late
There has been a lot posted in past years about keeping dogs under control at meets but not a lot said about children, while at the Rutland meet there were children playing at the back of Sue’s van she heard a bang on her van but passed it off as a tennis ball hitting the van but while filling up her van with water before leaving Rutland I noticed a hole in the side panel on her van this hole had broken the skin. On thinking about it another member found a yellow golf ball and so putting 2 and 2 together looking at the pictures what do you guys think costly damage to her van we have rules for dogs maybe we need rules for children tether them to their owners or keep them under parental control.
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Fair bit of damage there, make a complaint to campsite, also was it the side of the van facing golf course it might be worthwhile pursuing them,
Or looking at the other side is it a motorhomer sticker size, the boss might pay you to do some advertising on the side of your van ?
Having read the thread so far, I understand how annoyed Sue must be with the damage to her van but we were on a large site with a lot of other campers.
Although I understand your concerns I don't feel it necessary as it stands at the moment to try and enforce rules as far as children are concerned and as for the damage it could have been an adult.

As I have found that the children who come to our meets well behaved.
I have just read the post from Anne which affirms my thoughts.
I am not saying that it was necessarily a child of a member of either forum but the damage was definitely done at Rutland and there were lots of other children playing in the long grass behind our vans I posted it just as a reminder for members to know what the little darlings are up to and Paul Flyby is going to fill it for her.
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Really feel for sue if that was my van I’d be devastated. Sure dose look like a golf ball and with some force. But the tethering of children maybe a bit soft why don’t we just burn them at the fire ? Think in general the kids from our group are usually well behaved and I’d go as far as to say I’ve never seen any of them near vans with balls bats frisbees. When we have meets and it’s just our own group in our own space we can keep better tabs on what’s happening around us but these meets where we have other groups mixed around it’s hard to know who’s who and what there up-to if I saw someone’s child from one of our group getting up-to no good I’d tell them off but if the child was from another group then I’d have to show restraint as Jeff said camperfest at Chester I had a few adults kicking balls around. Hope you get it sorted sue maybe you should get it sorted professionally and we’ll have a whip round to help pay for it.
Eh up, Wully..
Don't you start talking all sensible , grown up and responsible ...
I'm from Yorkshire...
What's a whip round. ? Will it hurt?

I’m only allowed to make one sensible post a month thank god it’s the 30th can go back to posting Shiite tomorrow and did I say whip round what I meant to say was bring thy whippets round in a Yorkshire accent.
It is what it is, things happen and I wouldn’t point fingers at any child wether they were within our group or not! After all they are just kids and I’m sure it wasn’t intentional, it just part of life suck it up and take it!! Lol
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