Heck 3 days off being a month since I posted on this, although Xmas and that damned cold bug killed the chance of any work getting done.
Ok update, all sorted, dead easy as it happens, I delved deep into my hidden savings and threw money at it, got 5 x 17p 2ltr bottles of Morrisons coke, poured one down the bathroom sink, went for a drive weaving a like a dervish, lucky I didn't get pulled, got home and the pipe was only dribbling, anyway the weather gods smiled and it was both dry and not freezing, so I clambered seal style under the van, wagged the pipe, nowt, pulled on it and it almost fell off, waste peed out on the the floor in good strong steady stream, looked into end of the pipe, full of white crud, in the meantime I'd bought at great expense (£2) a new length of pipe, none corrugated, amd also clear, so I may attack it with that tomorrow.