Motorhome insurance

Just had my renewal from CaravanGuard £524. Up from £420 last year.
CAMC £578. SAGA £750 fixed for 3 years.
Cheapest comparable policy quote was Ripe £255.
new cover needed within a month ...
Just tried Caravanguard .. £270 with breakdown cover that I don't need. Will try a few options as well as current insurer of course which is AIB
I've been with Comfort insurance since buying the motorhome new in 2018, it was a new policy to which I never had any no claims bonus to use, does anyone know if they award you a no claim bonus for each year you have been with them claim free.
I've just had a quote from caravan Guard which came out at £575.00 for 9,000 miles and £350 excess, but I put down I had zero no claims bonus, when in essence I might have actually built up 5 years with Comfort if they award you them. Thanks
I've been with Comfort insurance since buying the motorhome new in 2018, it was a new policy to which I never had any no claims bonus to use, does anyone know if they award you a no claim bonus for each year you have been with them claim free.
I've just had a quote from caravan Guard which came out at £575.00 for 9,000 miles and £350 excess, but I put down I had zero no claims bonus, when in essence I might have actually built up 5 years with Comfort if they award you them. Thanks
It should show on your yearly renewal offer prior to issuing your policy. I noticed on my offer they only showed 2 years and pointed this out they came back stating I had 5 years ncd. Email them and ask to see how many years they have given.
I have in xs of nine years but some company's say nc don't work on motorhomes?
The general rule/interpretation seems to be that you can't have NCD for the M/Home if you're using it for your car, although at least 1 inurance company I tried phrased the question 'Years of NCD driving a M/Home OR towing a caravan or large trailer' whic seems fairer and a better guide to the risk that the insurers will be assuming

The anomaly/ies I can't understand is/are the usual increase in premium for higher mileage and th econnection with accident risk. Driver A has a M/Home and has 9 years NCD, driving 1500 miles per annum over a maximum of 4 weeks each year. Driver B has 3 years NCD, but drives 11,000 miles each year, over 120 days. Driver B will pay a higher premium but will be much more familiar with the vehicle controls through sheer repetition of manoeuvering and 'practice makes perfect' skills development. Driver B will have driven more miles in 2 years than Driver A has in 9 years

I've been with Comfort insurance since buying the motorhome new in 2018, it was a new policy to which I never had any no claims bonus to use, does anyone know if they award you a no claim bonus for each year you have been with them claim free.
I've just had a quote from caravan Guard which came out at £575.00 for 9,000 miles and £350 excess, but I put down I had zero no claims bonus, when in essence I might have actually built up 5 years with Comfort if they award you them. Thanks
I have separate ncb on motorhome to my car. As has been said, some insurance companies have a maximum of ncb they allow.
The general rule/interpretation seems to be that you can't have NCD for the M/Home if you're using it for your car, although at least 1 inurance company I tried phrased the question 'Years of NCD driving a M/Home OR towing a caravan or large trailer' whic seems fairer and a better guide to the risk that the insurers will be assuming
If you have earned NCD on individual policies for different types of vehicles you can though. I have that.
I have full NCD that I use when I take out a car policy (every other year) and full NCD when I renew annually my Motorhome policy.
But it is right you cannot use the same earned NCD on multiple policies. However ... You do get some companies that will mirror the NCD and depending how they are worded, allow you to jump many years! I had an Admiral car policy and had 9 years NCD. The OH had just 1 year. She added her car to this Admiral multi-car policy and they mirrored my 9 years to her price. one year later the renewal letters show us BOTH having 10 years NCD :). She went from 1 year to 10 years in the space of a single year!

That last point ref "years experience driving motorhomes" is a good one. I saw that question when getting a caravan guard quote and thought it both unusual but a good question.

The anomaly/ies I can't understand is/are the usual increase in premium for higher mileage and th econnection with accident risk. Driver A has a M/Home and has 9 years NCD, driving 1500 miles per annum over a maximum of 4 weeks each year. Driver B has 3 years NCD, but drives 11,000 miles each year, over 120 days. Driver B will pay a higher premium but will be much more familiar with the vehicle controls through sheer repetition of manoeuvering and 'practice makes perfect' skills development. Driver B will have driven more miles in 2 years than Driver A has in 9 years

Driver B has much greater chance of an accident as he is exposed to traffic much more and to other people's driving much more. If you start analysing in detail then you need to consider road types (10,000 miles on a motorway is probably safer than 500 miles in a city centre), time of day vehicle being driven and a whole host of things it is impossible to factor in.
My AIB renewal was 80% more than last year
Five minutes on the performance direct web site got down to about £10 more than last year.

Despite the change in the rules existing customers still seem fair game to get fleeced.
I've read so many posts saying insurance costs have shot up and been like that for last two years. Not seen that myself for either car or motorhome insurance.

My Autotrail MH insurance is due next month and just got the renewal quote email from AIB... has gone up but not by much.
2020 Price - £350 - but included Business Use Cover so expected a more expensive price than old van
from 2021 with AIB
2021 Price - £238 with excess total £350, no NCD
2022 Price - Can't recall price, but it is a policy where I switched from no NCD to apply 11 years worth of previously earned NCD
2023 Price - £220 with excess total of £150, Full NCD
2024 Price - £240 with excess total of £0, Full NCD

So very little difference year by year really. I have a look around but I have not changed broker since 2021 as the prices are reasonable and don't seem to alter enough to make it worth to bother persuing alternatives or to negotitate a better renewal price.

Out of interest, depending on underwriter, AIB can use NCD if available or ignore NCD. I understand if the selected underwriter does not use NCD as a factor, you also don't generate NCD either?
As an stated proof of NCD* expires after 2 years of non-use, it is something to consider if you have a decent level of NCD and want to maintain (or even grow) it. This is the reason why with the car we both drive, we take it in turns each year to be the policyholder so we keep both our car NCDs active.

*Proof of NCD is not the same as asking for a letter from an insurer saying you have been insured for x years and not made a claim. It should be I guess, but not in the eyes of an Insurance underwriter, so a 'proper' NCD is a lot less hassle.
I've just been sent my renewal from Comfort insurance, it has gone up from £439.00 last year to £502.00, due in September, that covers up to 10,000 miles and a value of 60k. No breakdown insurance included as I already have it with Nationwide, I'm wondering if it has gone up as the wife is now 70, she has just renewed her C1 entitlement, but doesn't usually drive the motorhome, but I just think it's worth her been legal to drive it if i was to take ill.
Will get some quotes in the next few days from other providers to make sure it is still competitive.
Something you might want to consider ref the wife being on the insurance ....
If you are incapacitated, then as she is a named driver on the policy, any kind of recovery due to illness will not happen if she is with you. If she is ok and happy-ish to drive the motorhome, then no worries,but if she really doesn't like to, tough - she will have to!
It is that scenario which was the reason why I took my OH OFF the policy a few years ago as while she holds a license to drive it, she never has and never wants to, so I would prefer a recovery to her being forced to do so.
Just asked AIB for a quote. They asked if I had one already, told them my renewal quote from NFU was just over £500. The guy said I should bite their hand off, all their quotes were around £1000. (I'm 80, Pilote coachbuilt 1 year old, 9 years+ NCD). So I did! Doesn't include roadside assistance or recovery, but I have this with Nationwide.
Just asked AIB for a quote. They asked if I had one already, told them my renewal quote from NFU was just over £500. The guy said I should bite their hand off, all their quotes were around £1000. (I'm 80, Pilote coachbuilt 1 year old, 9 years+ NCD). So I did! Doesn't include roadside assistance or recovery, but I have this with Nationwide.
Something to check .... If you are getting one quote which is way better than every other quote, before bitting their hand off, check the details are correct for the proposal.
Generally insurance companies do WANT business, and so need to be competitive - so when one is way cheaper than everyone else, there could be another reason. Make sure comparing apples and apples and not an orange with a satsuma.
Just asked AIB for a quote. They asked if I had one already, told them my renewal quote from NFU was just over £500. The guy said I should bite their hand off, all their quotes were around £1000. (I'm 80, Pilote coachbuilt 1 year old, 9 years+ NCD). So I did! Doesn't include roadside assistance or recovery, but I have this with Nationwide.
That's exactly what AIB told me, last year, when I was 79 years old. Even with the wildcamping discount, they couldn't get anywhere near the quote from my existing insurers.
From £600 and "challenges" to <£300 with Ripe and "simple" - I'll take that! One of the simplest processes I've used on the internet. Also for me, no approved tracker requirement which other policies insisted on (Saving another chunk). I have tracker, but not approved.

Note - all customers of Ripe can give you 20% off link (its not a code, but does take 20% off) - I ran quotes with/without and its genuine - and the referer gets £50 credit. So you may see much pyramid selling.

However via TopCashBack you get 10% cashback AND 20% off (mine paid out).

I read the policy inside out and was happy with it. For self-builders its a dream - no challenges there just fair requirements. Only iffy one is "if motorcaravan on V5 - OR x,y,x". Mine is MC of V5, but if not, then the cooking facilities need installing by a pro (which mine wasn't) - and no claim for fire if gas not installed to standards (mine is).

The underwriters and T&Cs are all fair enough to me.

So I think Ripe are aggressively getting new customers and I expect prices to rise next year (esp with loss of the 20+10% reductions :D )
You think that’s bad mine is 5 times that as we live in ours. Seemed to be more at risk they say.🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️
Forgot to mention NFU underwrite their own policies, don't need a tracker or alarm system even on a new van, as long as there's a Thatcham Cat 2 immobiliser and that's standard fit on a Ducato. Yes I do read all the small print! Oh, and OH is a named driver too.
Forgot to mention NFU underwrite their own policies, don't need a tracker or alarm system even on a new van, as long as there's a Thatcham Cat 2 immobiliser and that's standard fit on a Ducato. Yes I do read all the small print! Oh, and OH is a named driver too.
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