Nature's Optical Tricks

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Nature's Optical Tricks

We're all familiar with the apparent pool of water nature persuades us is up ahead on the road on a hot day. We all know this is an optical illusion and don't expect the Moho to aqua-plane.
Similarly nature sometimes offers us an image that reminds us of something (though may not be an optical illusion). An example here could be the picture taken of snow on the slopes of the Himalayas from an aircraft some decades ago. It was published in most of the newspapers at the time and supposedly depicted an image of Jesus Christ. Frankly, like the rectangles containing circles posted here on MH I couldn't see what others assured me was there.
Today we were walking on the northern end of Lanzarote and came across this:-


Now to me there's an animal outline to be seen, complete with horns. Possibly to others there's just a bunch of tangled twigs. From any other angle it certainly did look like a bunch of twigs! Nobody had created this. It was naturally occurring out on the old lava field and I was fortunate to glance up the appropriate moment as we walked past.
So can you see an animal complete with horns?

Have you had nature provide a moment of pleasure in these ways - either an illusion or reminder of something unrelated to the object before you?

Colin ???
Last edited:
Full Member;n6841 said:
We're all familiar with the apparent pool of water nature persuades us is up ahead on the road on a hot day. We all know this is an optical illusion and don't expect the Moho to aqua-plane.
Similarly nature sometimes offers us an image that reminds us of something (though may not be an optical illusion). An example here could be the picture taken of snow on the slopes of the Himalayas from an aircraft some decades ago. It was published in most of the newspapers at the time and supposedly depicted an image of Jesus Christ. Frankly, like the rectangles containing circles posted here on MH I couldn't see what others assured me was there.
Today we were walking on the northern end of Lanzarote and came across this:-


Now to me there's an animal outline to be seen, complete with horns. Possibly to others there's just a bunch of tangled twigs. From any other angle it certainly did look like a bunch of twigs! Nobody had created this. It was naturally occurring out on the old lava field and I was fortunate to glance up the appropriate moment as we walked past.
So can you see an animal complete with horns?

Have you had nature provide a moment of pleasure in these ways - either an illusion or reminder of something unrelated to the object before you?

Colin ???

I can't see a picture at all ?
Nothing to be seen in your post Colin-try again so we can see your tantalising description with our eyes!
yorkslass;n6849 said:
Sorry no pic for me either.

Apologies everyone. My posting shows the intended photo. I've tried going back to the post with a view to editing the photo out and resubmitting the post but I can't see the option to delete what I have!
Let me fiddle for a while and I'll try to sort things out.
In the meantime, Chris, could you tell me how to reply to messages? I can't see a 'reply' button!

Colin ???
We're all familiar with the apparent pool of water nature persuades us is up ahead on the road on a hot day. We all know this is an optical illusion and don't expect the Moho to aqua-plane.
Similarly nature sometimes offers us an image that reminds us of something (though may not be an optical illusion). An example here could be the picture taken of snow on the slopes of the Himalayas from an aircraft some decades ago. It was published in most of the newspapers at the time and supposedly depicted an image of Jesus Christ. Frankly, like the rectangles containing circles posted here on MH I couldn't see what others assured me was there.
Today we were walking on the northern end of Lanzarote and came across this:-

​​​ WP_20171126_14_01_00_Pro.jpg

Now to me there's an animal outline to be seen, complete with horns. Possibly to others there's just a bunch of tangled twigs. From any other angle it certainly did look like a bunch of twigs! Nobody had created this. It was naturally occurring out on the old lava field and I was fortunate to glance up the appropriate moment as we walked past.
So can you see an animal complete with horns?

Have you had nature provide a moment of pleasure in these ways - either an illusion or reminder of something unrelated to the object before you?

Colin ???
Full Member;n6853 said:
In the meantime, Chris, could you tell me how to reply to messages? I can't see a 'reply' button!

Colin ???

Hi Colin
If you go to message centre, inbox, you can click on the name of the sender and you get the option to send message. A straight forward 'reply' button would be easier - I'll ask Phil if he can sort one.
Edina;n6857 said:
Hi Colin
If you go to message centre, inbox, you can click on the name of the sender and you get the option to send message. A straight forward 'reply' button would be easier - I'll ask Phil if he can sort one.

I'm about to try that, Chris.

Colin ??☺
Colin, if you click on the message title in the inbox, it opens up a conversation box with a reply option. :Thumbs_Up_Hand_Sign
Not working for me, Chris. I click on your name and I get a list of your activity but can't see the option to reply. Guess I could always compose a new message if necessary. Probably best to take this away from this thread and into 'Bugs etc.'. Is that something you can do? And remove my first Nature's Optical Tricks post (the one that didn't have a photo). And the posts that refer to the failure? I can't imagine anyone being concerned at the tidying up!

Colin ???
Our messages are passing in the night. I think all is now understood. Thanks for sticking with it and sorting things for me Chris.

Colin ???
Full Member;n6871 said:
Our messages are passing in the night. I think all is now understood. Thanks for sticking with it and sorting things for me Chris.

Colin ???

Colin- Have you seen my post on taking photographs? Have a look if not. Yours is an excellent example-well spotted. Your photo immediately brought to mind the film "Predator" to me-an alien form albeit in full view, not camouflaged or semi invisible. There must be lots more. What does my photo remind you of?
I too thought a reindeer apt for the time of year.

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