Nature's Optical Tricks

teejay;n6876 said:
Colin- Have you seen my post on taking photographs? Have a look if not. Yours is an excellent example-well spotted. Your photo immediately brought to mind the film "Predator" to me-an alien form albeit in full view, not camouflaged or semi invisible. There must be lots more. What does my photo remind you of?

I've looked at the photo that 2cv has referenced above and for me it's an alien clutching it's offspring. Thanks, teejay.

Colin ???
Caz;n6903 said:
Sorry, just looks like a dead tree to me. :Very_sad_emoji_icon

Caz, really! Put on your imagination hat.

Colin ???
yorkslass;n6915 said:
I'm seeing a stag with antlers.

That's the sort of image portrayed for me - an animal with horns, head to the right. Thanks, yorklass.

Colin ???
oldish hippy;n6953 said:
think it the twig out of abottle of ouzo after colin finished it

We all know that you can see something more interesting than that, Barrie. And you know I don't drink!

Colin ???
Campervanannie;n6971 said:
I too thought a reindeer apt for the time of year.

Edina;n6967 said:
It's a reindeer

Yep, a reindeer for me too.

Colin ???

That generated a grin, 2cv. So much so that I think the sun cream may have smudged.

Colin ???
Definitely Stickman's Reindeer.

a couple of beers help...

K :wink:
Vanterrier;n7046 said:
Definitely Stickman's Reindeer.

a couple of beers help...

K :wink: unravel nature's puzzles.
I thought reindeer as well, Vanterrier.

Colin ???
wye eye...i see a reindeer...........a bit like spotting an object in the clouds...........
trixie88;n7062 said:
wye eye...i see a reindeer...........a bit like spotting an object in the clouds...........

Exactly, Trixie.
Got any photos to share?

Colin ???
well at least it not a blind deer in some peeps eyes as for me it is a blind deer aas i have no eye deer
oldish hippy;n7101 said:
well at least it not a blind deer in some peeps eyes as for me it is a blind deer aas i have no eye deer

You silly billy, Barrie. They don't write 'em like that anymore.

Colin ???
Full Member;n7067 said:
Exactly, Trixie.
Got any photos to share?

Colin ???

ohh of these days......when i master the art of a waiting in anticipation of seeing others photograpic masterpieces...
When in the volcanic tubes mentioned earlier we were shown a huge hole in the tube floor with another huge empty tube on a lower level. There was little or no guarding around the hole and the guide threw a small rock into the lower cavern in order that the time delay before hitting the flood below would demonstrate just how deep it was.

WP_20171126_14_41_04_Pro (3).jpg

The rock did, of course, land in the water pool immediately in front of us. The assembled onlookers laughed out loud in unison.
Isn't nature wonderful?

Colin ???
trixie88;n7359 said:
ohh of these days......when i master the art of a waiting in anticipation of seeing others photograpic masterpieces...

Let's do it here and now, Trixie. Many members haven't posted photos so may wish to join in or follow on later. We'll do this in small, easily managed steps, but only one step at a time. No stress, lots of laughs.

1. Do you have photos stored on whatever you use to post on Motohomer, no matter whether that's your phone, laptop, desktop or tablet?

(Next step once you respond - and if you want to do this).

Colin ???
Saw this in the woods the other day. Well, I think it saw me first then I noticed it! 20170208_114951.jpg
Full Member;n7367 said:
Let's do it here and now, Trixie. Many members haven't posted photos so may wish to join in or follow on later. We'll do this in small, easily managed steps, but only one step at a time. No stress, lots of laughs.

1. Do you have photos stored on whatever you use to post on Motohomer, no matter whether that's your phone, laptop, desktop or tablet?

(Next step once you respond - and if you want to do this).

Colin ???

sorry colin answer to photos stored.......NO......i really am going to have to get get into action and lean how to do it all...problem is i really dont have the patience with it.......
last year hippy gave me first class step by step >idiot instructions>.......i need to get myself another lead to transfer photos on to computer.....and then ample time of concentration and really is very kind of you to offer instruction.....and hopefully i may be able to get something sorted..

as for your last pic....i saw either a large frog...or a fish with a pouting two people sat on a precarious keep tham coming..
teejay;n7369 said:
Saw this in the woods the other day. Well, I think it saw me first then I noticed it!

Did you use a short focal length fisheye-type lens for that shot, teejay?
I see the face that saw you.

Colin ???

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