OCR wanted

Pudsey Bear

Full Member

I'm looking for a FREE OCR program, nothing special it just needs to be able to accurately read a JPG file and create a text file, there are plenty of free to download ones but nothing free to use indefinately.
I'm looking for a FREE OCR program, nothing special it just needs to be able to accurately read a JPG file and create a text file, there are plenty of free to download ones but nothing free to use indefinately.
All free on LINUX, and loads of them, head down now. 😂
I don't have Linux, but would it work on Win 10 and no use saying it without a link anyway Trev.
I'm looking for a FREE OCR program, nothing special it just needs to be able to accurately read a JPG file and create a text file, there are plenty of free to download ones but nothing free to use indefinately.
Can your phone scan and extract the text, Kev? Think Goggle AI in the Pixel Phones has the necessary AI [Not tried it, but recall a screen message when I was trying to scan some text]

Dunno Steve it's android so I'll look might be easier if it actually works.
My S9+ is supposed to be able but doesn't, the S10+ also is supposed to be able to do it and does put a yellow box arounf text, and says tap to scan so I did but I don't see any product from it, and it only did it once I can't seem to make it do it again so no basically so far, back to wanting an app for the PC.
I’ve never used an android phone but just tried this on my iPhone. Open Google Translate, use the camera option, select English to English and show original text, take a picture of the text, select the copy option, paste it into the notes app and it worked perfectly. Thanks for this post Kev, taught myself something useful today 😁

Hopefully there are similar apps on your phone.
You could try A9T9 if it's for Windows :unsure: It's free and opensource and is available on the Windows Store, press the windows key and type it in and it will come up in the app store. Not sure if it is what you want but it's free so what have you got to lose?

Thanks Allan.

Sorted now found an app, it has ads, but is free otherwise and it accurate too.

You could try A9T9 if it's for Windows :unsure: It's free and opensource and is available on the Windows Store, press the windows key and type it in and it will come up in the app store. Not sure if it is what you want but it's free so what have you got to lose?

Cheers Del, I'll give that a look too but I am sorted for what I needed to do but always handy to have a spare.

Stupid name though innit, slips off the tongue never to be seen again.
Just installed A9T9 and it seems to do an half decent job, a couple of spelling mistakes but you can save it as a text or word file so that can be put right easy enough. No ads either(y)

I've installed A9T9 three times and it just crashes, I onlt get as far as selecting an image :( :(
Oddly the phone app did two docs then stopped saving them, at least explorer can't find them.
Just wondered if it's possible to do this direct from the iPhone camera (i.e. not using the Google Translate app I mentioned above) and it is. Just use the camera, point it at text and a button on the screen appears, touch that and a copy [to clipboard] option pops up.

I never knew that, another thing I've taught myself today :)

(again don't know if this is the same for android phones but worth a mention)
Its supposed to but doesn't
If your phone is connected to a google account for photo backup, visit photos.google.com and view the image. There's an option "Copy text from image" at the top usually. I also have google photos installed on my phone which does this locally. I managed to scan a 40 page document my wife had printed out 20 years ago into a word document in about half an hour.
I've installed A9T9 three times and it just crashes, I onlt get as far as selecting an image :( :(
That's strange, it worked "out of the box for me" I've just tried it again with a couple of images of receipts that I've scanned for warranty purposes and it worked okay :unsure:


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