Ok, I've used the Reich on a level piece of car park & still get slightly different readings on repeat, up to 10kgs but I don't know if that's because I'm driving over it at slightly differing speeds. Anyway I've used the higher weights & the front axle is 1680 kgs & the rear is 1780. That's with full tank of diesel, full water tank, 2 x gas bottles, EHU lead, external Silver Screen, full VP air suspension, don't know if that's heavier or lighter than the suspension that was removed, a little food, myself but hardly any clothes. I think I'll need to get the van's weight plate upgraded before I even think about putting a bike rack on or getting air con fitted lol
We're off to the Brecon Beacons for a couple of days so might have more luck finding a weigh bridge down there than I've had in Liverpool