To my opinion a CP tyre ( Camping pneu),campertire is mainly a marketing thing, they are not that much different as C(omercial)-tyres.
And you already noticed no important difference( @ markd) .
Even mostly a CP tyre is D-load/8PR so maximum load AT 65 or 69/70 psi, though they mostly give 80 psi maximum cold pressure .
Except the Continental group gives both reference ( that AT 65 or 69/70 psi) and the maximum inflation pressure ( = maxcold) of 10 psi higher). And then the tyremaker allows higher pressure then mostly written behind AT , wich they dont allow anymore for C-tires ( if not given maxcold on sidewall) , in earlyer days they did.
Now rear axle is often overloaded( forbidden but you must be realistic), and so needs higher pressure then behind AT. And the CP and C-group tires allow that higher pressure , so youu better use that to cover that overloading, but tyremaker does not support that higher loadcapacity then maximum load .
Mind that valves and rimms must also be allowed that higher cold pressure , normal rubber snapp in valves only upto 65 or 70 psi cold pressure and there are standards for howmuch higher pressure it may get , this is for temperature rising when warmed up by driving or other factors.
The HP snapp-in valves of the TR600 series are tested for about 95 psi cold pressure so are allowed for 80 psi cold of CP and 10 pr.
You can check if normal rubber , push valve gently from the side, if it bends its a normal snapp in valve, if not its a HP valve( metal goes troug to the end . And metal valves can be recocnised because they are metal, and are tested for 10bar/145psi and up.
Information about rimms are harder to get.
The brands I collected that are part of Continetal-group and give both pressures.
But if you see those double pressures given, google the brand, and fat chance that it is also in the Continental-group.
Viking tyre with max inflation
Viking tyre with 65 psi behind 107/105R
That sise 225/75R16 is exeption to the rule 10PR/E-load with AT 5.25 bar/77psi .
Once wrote an American tire engeneer, that posts a lot on American fora as Tireman9 about this sise.
In short 10PR C-tire in this sise Load-index 118 At 5.25bar/77psi.
And LT E-load LI 115 AT 80 psi/5.5bar, so lower maxload for higher pressure.
He wrote back that some sises have given a load-index in the past that does not fit in to the official calculation used, and this is one of them.
If now 10pr is to high given maxload or E-load given "to" low,so wich is ecact to mother natures law right, I don't know.
Can sent you the mail-contact if you give me a personal message with your E-mail adress.
Then give it cripted like this( so you can also mail me direct using it) , my mail-adress is at with username jadatis( spamm machines cant combine this way , you can).