Reintroduction of Magic Roundabout


Full Member

A French team plan to relaunch this series, though it has yet to be confirmed whether each episode will end with Florence saying 'Time for bed', and Zebedee responding with a resounding 'Boinggg...' from his tensed up spring ... :)

Well I thought it was silly....but! fun
I liked the adult version of Rag, Tag and Bobtail, Tales of the riverbank carpark.

Not forgetting Captain Pugwash's Seamen Staines, Master Bates and Roger the cabin boy.

None of which were true of course.
I liked the adult version of Rag, Tag and Bobtail, Tales of the riverbank carpark.

Not forgetting Captain Pugwash's Seamen Staines, Master Bates and Roger the cabin boy.

None of which were true of course.
'Here are Janet and John and Roger the Dog. Mother watches Janet and John, Roger the Dog and Stig, the Swedish Boy next door, Astride his girlfriend.' Mummy giggles, and says, 'Of course, children, I meant to say, 'Astrid, his girlfriend', and blushes. 'Why are you blushing, Mother?', asks Janet. 'Why is Stisg astride his girlfriend?', sniggers John, suggesting he has knowledge beyond his tender years. See John snigger ...:)

I bought all the Janet and John CDs, as you'd imagine with my user name, Wogan is very missed in this house.

I think I made them into MP3s at the time, dunno if I still have them.

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