The lurgy returns

Sorry to hear that Christine is suffering Wully. Give her our best wishes. Your experience mirrors ours, I just had a gruff voice but Teresa was very poorly and in bed for over a week. It is indeed a weird illness.
I hope she gets better soon Wully, you are lucky to have no symptoms but as you said it is a strange virus, I am still suffering after 5 years with long COVID and having breathing difficulties, brain fog etc but Maggy was only ill for a few weeks with it in 2020 but no after effects
The gift that keeps on giving. Nearly early 5 years since the first lockdown. The world has never been the same. We travelled to Canada last week via Iceland and noticed a lot of people in the airport and on the aircraft wearing masks. I thought they were just being over protective but two days after we got home Christina started feeling ill thought a cold or something but she’s gradually got worse done a Test and it’s positive for Covid that’s the third time she’s took it and took it bad. I have it but have no symptoms same as before tested positive but not even a runny nose. Strange how it effects people differently.
Wow, we flew to Vancouver to do an Alaska cruise in may 2023, we both ended up getting COVID on that trip, I wasn't to bad, but Elaine felt it worse, we had both had the booster jabs too. I'm sure it's been stuck in that aluminium tube for hours that helps spread it, although Elaine thinks she caught hers on the ship, the Chinese family in the next cabin to us were constantly coughing on the balcony.