You should be getting a good coating of ice on the internal fins - so it's definitely not cooling properly.
There are some 12v compressor fridges sized to match absorption - from marine market I think.
You may find that with doors off the old fridge might go through the door sideways?
But you're still stuck getting the new one in

Was it earlier in this thread that someone suggested using passenger door with seat removed?
A lot of people swear by fans to increase airflow over external fins and that's a reasonably cheap option if it works and not the end of the world if it doesn't. You've still got them available if needed behind a compressor fridge.
The fridge is 1cm wider than the door. I measured the width from the rear inside the vent and I might - just might - be ok if I take the door and front trim surround off (width-wise is a no-go - the fridge is deeper than it is wider).
On my quest for info I watched a little Aussie Youtube video of a guy swpping an ancient 3-Way for a 2nd hand compressor fridge and he had fun taking out the old and bringing in the new

he did it and what he found was precisely what I would find (hope!) would happen - got it out the door but with zero room to spare and taking the door lock off - but still got it swapped

He said he also booked a guy to remove a window but in the end got away without it!
If it doen't go through the hab door it should go through the cab door with seats removed.
I can certainly get a like-for-like 12V Compressor to match the hole left exactly and that would be the ideal. I have also got a couple of other options ... There is a
Webasto Cruise 165 12V Compressor Fridge which is an excellent fridge I believe and would fit in the gap and would need a bit of packing - but it will go through the door!

That is important to my mind for servicability.
I am also toying with the idea of two fridges! I could potentially get a pair of Waeco CRX65 Units in the gap stacked together. These are good fridges and you can use each one as a Fridge, as a Fridge/Freezer, or as a straight Freezer. The flexibility that gives you is tremendous and you can change the setup depending on what you want for a trip, including only using one of them if it is maybe just a few days away and you don't need so much space, or if in the winter when you want to reduce electrical power useage
Ref the fans - I added a 12V Fan to the back of my 240V Fridge in the camper with a programmable thermocontroller so it would come on and off automatically. That actually worked very well and when it came on would usually cool the rear by around 4C within a few minutes with the extra airflow so I see a value in the principle. In this case, if that extra cooling would be the factor I would expect the overnight fridge temp to go decently lower as the sun is in (it drops by maybe 1C only?). It may be summertime, but this is still Scotland!
If (when really!) I do swap the fridge out, once the old one is out will be able to properly look at it and hopefully get it working properly (maybe it just needs to be inverted for a while with the coolant?) and then sell it on as a fully working unit to help cover some of the compressor fridge cost