Thoughts whilst driving in France

I agree with starting a new thread. The absoluute lies and untruths said here are unforgivable. :mad: :mad:

To imply that the price of things have rocketed in an EU country is pure propaganda. It is only the UK where things are terrible. Everywhere else, the people are happy, have money in their pockets and enjoy life.


Disgusted of Gateshead.
I think you'll find that this discussion is about motorhoming in France.
The thread is. Thoughts while driving in France.
And as I started this thread, I think I’ve got a fairly good idea of what the thread was about. Until the usual suspects took it over.
Still, not to worry. It’s yours now. Do what you like with it.
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The thread is. Thoughts while driving in France.
And as I started this thread, I think I’ve got a fairly good idea of what the thread was about. Until the usual suspects took it over.
Still, not to worry. It’s yours now. Do what you like with it.
That's what the title was. The actual subject was a tongue in cheek skit about them foreigners learning english.

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