We got the van back around 11am this morning, after a phonecall to the hotel. When we arrived, they were still de-coking the engine, with a pipe connected to the air filter, and the engine running at fairly high revs.
The basic message was that I was driving it too slowly and had managed to gunge the engine up, and therefore had to boot it to keep it clean internally.
I must confess that I am not particularly fond of using the Automatic option, because I don’t trust the high revs that it demands before changing up, especially first thing in the morning, for example, driving today using Auto we were doing 105km/hr in fifth gear and it had no intention of changing into sixth.
Still, I suppose it won’t hurt to use revs to clean her out and burn any carbon off.
The garage were excellent, and deceivingly efficient and only charged me 170 euros for everything, which was quite a relief. She is flying along now.
We are in a campsite, close to Honfleur for a couple of nights now, before we head over to Dinan. Sadly the signal here is rubbish, and it seems to be very hit n miss with the phones as well.
Thanks for all your help and advice over the last few days, and I will definitely change the way I strap the car down!
The holiday starts HERE!
Regards Rog.?