Washer pump fuse???


Full Member

Hi all, I have 2013 Fiat Ducato 2.3 Multijet with no screenwasher operational (the blades are working). I have looked for the fuse and can only find the F09 fuse this is named as the headlight washer pump sited under the bonnet, F43 is named as windscreen wiper (+key) sited dashboard RH side. Am I correct in assuming the F09 fuse is the one to check? Thanks in anticipation of a quick response as I have probably answered my own question LOL.
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I would first connect 12v direct to the pump to rule out the switch, wiring and fuse.
Thanks, I did that through some wires and cigar lighter this blew the fuse immediately so I direct wired it to stand alone battery this almost melted the wires. this seems to that there is not a fuse for the pump on the Ducato?? Anyhow I bought a new pump from Amazon £13.00 fitted this and all and all is well.
Thanks all for the previous advise.