Weather Report..................

Windy with some sunshine and 23° but the storm clouds are building. Today's excursion to Trogir postponed as the small ferry isn't running due to the weather conditions. We do have white tops but its not that rough.
Windy with some sunshine and 23° but the storm clouds are building. Today's excursion to Trogir postponed as the small ferry isn't running due to the weather conditions. We do have white tops but its not that rough.
Postponed and not cancelled is good. Thank you for your photos - They are inspirational.


Somewhat overcast in Hampshire, with 17 degrees, but a gentle NE breeze. We are entering a brief period of uncertain weather. ⛅⛅⛅
Postponed and not cancelled is good. Thank you for your photos - They are inspirational.

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Somewhat overcast in Hampshire, with 17 degrees, but a gentle NE breeze. We are entering a brief period of uncertain weather. ⛅⛅⛅
We’re on the road again tomorrow but only as far as Split for a few days then it’s the ferry across to Ancona. Anyway we’ve found a secure parking area close to the bridge across to Trogir so that’s the plan for tomorrow morning👍
Wondered what this had to do with the topic.
Then read the above members name. .
Real women ?
Got more than enough, thanks.
Been god here up to around 15.00 hrs, then went black with thunder and the odd flash of lightning. Unfortunately not much rain, I say this as good ol storm would clear the air, tomorrow to be much the same.

high of 24c.
Managed to get round Trogir today after finding a secure parking area just outside the old town. Locals were saying it would rain but the clouds cleared and its been sunny and touching 29°. Now just south of Split. Here's a few pics of Trogir ........ the large gin palace is available for hire !!IMG_1807.jpegIMG_1820.jpegIMG_1798.jpegIMG_1801.jpeg
The good weather returns to the SE, we've a bright, dry, sunny day, with a light westerley breeze and 18 degree high. Think I'll cut the grass later. ⛅⛅☀️