Weather Report..................

We've a bright sunny day, with an 18 degree high, wall to wall blue skies and the lightest westerley breeze. The noisy brood of young blue tits in a nesting box beside our bedroom window is keeping both parents busy.☀️☀️☀️
I'll raise your 24° Paul and add 2° .............. smug filter engaged.
Gorgeous day in Split apart from the overcrowded bus ride in and out, but a nice lunch to make up for that. Only one cruise ship in but still very busy ...........
Oh yes ...... anyone missing a DPD delivery ...
I wanted to tag your images of Split with something more appropriate, but your shot of a DPD delivery van in that location was so incongruous and ridiculously funny.........

In spite of today's heat, I managed to complete more than anticipated in the garden. Tomorrow promises to be even hotter day, which will play havoc with my intention to rid us forever of 'Bear's Breeches'. Even Monty Don admitted that it's an invasive plant that tries to take over the World.
Smooth crossing from Split to Ancona on a somewhat tired ferry that involved reversing on as it wasn't a RoRo ....... anyway bright and sunny start in Ancona. We travelled into the Sibellini National Park and are parked up at possibly the best free sosta with superb views at Casteluccio, the village above the Sibellini plain that was decimated by the 2016 earthquake. Only 5 of the original residents remain and the village has not been rebuilt ........ yet. Still a lovely day around 18° but much warmer in sheltered spots.
Some views .........