Weather Report..................

The weather at the tail end of the Hereford meet is still great................


...............though it looks as though Bill has now getting towards the end of the sun that he's been unpacking and may now be down to the cloud at the bottom of his box.
Time to stop unpacking, Bill!

Colin ???
Sunshine safely stowed to be unpacked at the next meet Im at at Druridge. Having said that there's still plenty of wild sunshine here in Bristol today.
there was rain in the night, the sound woke me. Nice and sunny now, although I do believe late evening we have more rain forecast.
Morning all,
Covered in golden rays ..... ahhhhhh

The stalwarts in Hereford had a (very) few spots of rain overnight but this morning it's sunny with a thin layer of very high altitude cloud. Bill would know it's name.

Colin ???
Full Member;n34283 said:
The stalwarts in Hereford had a (very) few spots of rain overnight but this morning it's sunny with a thin layer of very high altitude cloud. Bill would know it's name.

Colin ???

Cirrostratus for you stalwarts. Here in Bath it's more sunshine today, not quite so warm though.
You must remember, I greedily took all the good weather for the weekend, I was warned when I put the order in.
:The_Sun_Face_Emoji::The_Sun_Face_Emoji::The_Sun_Face_Emoji: but just a tad chilly in Bath this morning.
Rain overnight in Herts but it rapidly brightened this morning and now it's about 16 degC with patchy cloud running across the (mainly blue) sky.

Colin :):):)
Sunny spells In bude mostly, certainly dry that’s the main thing.
lunch outside topless . ?
Edina;n34404 said:
Turn the hot tap on? ;)

That made me laugh-out-loud, Chris.
Thank you.

Colin ???
Gorgeous day here in Sussex but no time to enjoy it. Today Matthew, I've been a headless chicken! I'm trying to get ready for a weekend away (minus van) starting tomorrow, plus catch up on hacking the wild meadows back into little lawns and a million other chores. It's a fair bit cooler though, which isn't a bad thing for me after our scorching Hereford weekend.