Weather Report..................

Cloudy, 12 degrees, feels like 10 in the N.W. breeze.
Forecast says it's N.N.E. They don't live here.
4 degrees at midnight.
No need to keep the Champagne in the fridge, it'll be on the window sill, as we watch the fireworks.
Well tonight was a lovely surprise.

On leaving friends after celebrating the New Year, I heard a Nightingale singing his heart out. I knew they were local, but it's a first time I've heard them here at night.

It's stopped raining, but it'll return tomorrow.
......... On leaving friends after celebrating the New Year, I heard a Nightingale singing his heart out. I knew they were local, but it's a first time I've heard them here at night .....
That's my first clanger of the New Year. A friend in D&G tells me that nightingale's are migratory, and that what we all heard was more likely to be a blackbird. 😢

We strong winds and heavy rain all day, exactly as forecast. 🌧️🌧️🌧️