Weather Report..................

Sun has broken through here but cloud keeps fighting back, warmed it up again
It's a hot end to the day as we potter into Angers.
The French are stocking up for Bastille Day (tomorrow) by the looks of Auchan hypermarket! We're about to go in and join the mêlée.
I may be gone some time (unquote).

Colin ???
did you survive as you havent posted so assume you still in there lol

I've just got out, Barrie.
It was hell in there - but at least I managed to get a couple of vine ripened tomatoes and a tetrapac of UHT semi skimmed milk.

Colin ???
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Hot and sunny on the bank of the Loire early this morning:

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It's going to be hot today.
So we'll cycle along the Loire for a while.

Colin ???
Hot hot hot...... reached Frieburg and Black Forest. Not worth showing a pic of our campsite aka swimming pool car park........
It's a wonderful start to the day here near La Loire:

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and it's not too crowded, either:

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Colin ???
Well the rain skipped us by again... was forecast several hours of it. It did go overcast but still no rain, we must be at 2 months now. Poor grass is all yellow everywhere around here. Supposed to get some Monday, we’ll see.