Weather Report..................

Looks as though we've had a little rain overnight and still drzzling now. Strong wind warning for tonight/early tomorrow morning, so perhaps whip a bit of surf up. (y)
Yesterday was a lovely day. Lots of sun and actually quite hot for September.
And today it's very similar.
So, all in all, I'm very happy with the weather right now in Hertfordshire.

Colin :):):)
Sun is shining and it’s quite pleasant....but forecast is for change tonight apparently high winds and weather warnings are in place for a place near Durham!!
Peak temperature of 31, glorious sunshine, balmy breezes. Cooling pleasantly.
parked on a hilltop, overlooking San Sebastian, N. Spain.
It’s gusts up to 51 mph slamming the side of the MH sounds like a train coming through then bang it hits us just been looking on the met office and we have 6hrs of this. ??