Weather Report..................

It was only 8 degrees at sunup.. I'm told
Cold northerly winds, but the sun is burning through the clouds.
I'm not complaining.
I'm sitting in a South facing suntrap, sheltered from the West and north..
Election.. ? What election !

Something to make an elderly Chinaman think about needing Viagra ?
It was only 8 degrees at sunup.. I'm told
Cold northerly winds, but the sun is burning through the clouds.
I'm not complaining.
I'm sitting in a South facing suntrap, sheltered from the West and north..
Election.. ? What election !

Something to make an elderly Chinaman think about needing Viagra ?

That's a good one, Paul! And easily missed.
It certainly made me grin.

Colin :):):)
It was grey and miserable in Hertfordshire this morning.
So I've popped over to Leigh-on-Sea.....
.......................... where it's grey and miserable.
Though on a very positive note, the Grandsprogs are here!

Colin 🙂🙂🙂
Glum 13 degrees. No prospect of much improvement.
Elevenses at a different cafe , as we were enjoying shopping..( we'll one of us was ).
The brandy was bigger than my Americano.
I can live in a place like this.
A lovely start to the day by the Thames estuary. We had a pretty much full moon just before dawn, temperatures above zero °C and still air.
Not only that but today will continue to be a real treat - the Grandsprogs are taking me to see Jumanji 3.
And they might just be persuaded to take me to Patisserie Valerie as an extra treat!
Days simply don't get much better than this.

Colin 🙂🙂🙂
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Glad that Val 54 is enjoying the delights of God's Own County..
You've been there so long, you'll be speaking the language properly.
Try and arrange your return via Clitheroe.. It's market day.
If you could get up to Stainburn, you can overnight on the carpark, off you talk nicely to the guy in the café, over a mug of his excellent tea.
Misty, mild 17 degrees, here no wind
Big rain forecast late tomorrow .
As usual, I'll be out at 3 am, if it arrives on time.