Weather Report..................

That Dorset coast blueness hasn't reached Cheshire yet Colin, but the cloud base is lifting and there is a milky white orb trying its best,
tomorrow could be ............... daren't say it 😂 In the meantime my outside jobs were curtailed when the handsaw slipped and ragged through the palm of my right hand, a pack of steri strips later and I'm taking it easy for the rest of the day 🤔🙁
Warm enough thanks.
Market day, yesterday.
New sandals for me.
Posh frock for management.
Bedding set, for some unknown reason.
1 hour in the chicken Piri Piri tent. Good, surprise company
5 bottles of beer,
I chicken, bread, olives.
2 bottles iced water.
13 Euros.
Siesta now..
35 in in the shade.
Mmm ! Smugfilter is very warm, I'd better check it.
Normal service here in west Wales (rain!).

We must had had a fair bit during the night as well as the river at the bottom of our garden is the highest it has been throughout this past 6 weeks of deluge summer!