Weather Report..................

Not to bad for a December day .
Scudding clouds North Westerly on high, Westerly below. When the blue gaps coincide, we get sunshine.
The painters swanned in during a particularly long blue gap, put on a coat, faster than I can put on my jacket and wished us a FelizIMG_20201209_102113.jpgIMG_20201209_101952.jpgIMG_20201209_102028.jpg Natal..
Are you back in Civilisation, Ruth...?
You'll need the Agadente.
No still in Suffolk till we drive to Portugal 20/12. Your "hovel" looks like a palace compared with ours! The garden looks lovely, I expect ours is high in weeds after eight months away. Glad the painters finally's all so laid back you sort of expect a delay!?
Warmed up to 6degrees here then it rained!
Wow, looks good Paul and not a weed in sight 👍👍
10 months in solitary confinement, Dave.
We take it in turns to pull a weed ,as each pops up.
Easier now as we picking a pomegranate in turn, as they ripen.
It's going to be all go, when the orange tree is ready..all 4 oranges.
Never bored.
Fairly mild night, no wind.
1500Kw dimplex heating all the house...
Hang the expense..!
Grey, 12 degrees.. light NW breeze.
Nothing to get excited about.
People keep sending is gnomes, for some strange reason.. We hide them in the undergrowth, rarely noticing them.
A Gnew one arrived from Australia..
Meet ...Bruce.IMG_20201210_100303.jpg
We have intermittent rain and continual grey cover over Hertfordshire.
So perhaps I'll give my more attractive end a day of rest from the leather saddle.

Colin :):):)