Weather Report..................

Shock..!!! 🤯😳🥺
The weather forecast is correct..
100% light cloud, gentle breeze 21 degrees... All day..
So far, so good.
I've got my Speedos, wellies Panama hat, umbrella, Winter coat and Sunlounger all lined up and ready
The forecast for Herts and Kent was sunshine this morning.
So why were snowflakes falling on me as I put the final few bits and pieces in the Moho first thing - and 1cm of snow on the verges alongside the M20?
Did I inadvertently log on to a Portuguese weather website?

(.....but it's blôōdy good sat here on the clifftop at Folkestone with a couple of like minded moho-ers as I look out across La Manche towards Europe.)

Colin 🙂🙂🙂
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The weather has gradually improved as the afternoon progressed here in Kent and we now have plenty of blue above us, with the temperature falling fairly quickly now the sun has settled behind the cliffs.
The kind folks at Folkestone C&CC site have included a rather nice raised patio for us:


........and, looking towards Dover, a great view of the White Cliffs:


Colin 🙂🙂🙂
The sun's well and truly up here in Kent with just a few thin clouds in an otherwise beautiful skyscape.
The wind has turned from westerly to north easterly, bringing air from above the North Sea. Not warm air at this time of the year, but the sun's trying hard to make up for what the North Sea lacks.
The breeze just needs to turn a little more easterly to blow along the beach and it'll be a bit of exercise hanging onto kites for me.

Colin 🙂🙂🙂