Weather Report..................

Enjoy your sun.
Another strange start to a June day.
Cloudy and 19 degrees.
The wind changed, Sun broke through and we had instant 28 degrees.
The wind has changed back, the clouds have returned.
It's now 19.43pm, and 19° in Gloucestershire.......and we can both smell the oncoming rain.

The sensible have wound in or put away their awnings, and it's time for an evening stroll before a vicious game of Scrabble, HeckMeck, or Drecksau. Mrs HS choice. 😀
Yep, here in Hertfordshire the temperature is falling and the clouds are thickening and looking more ominous by the minute.
It won't be long before the clouds lose a considerable amount of mass........and Hertfordshire gains something very similar.

Edit: Hold the front started raining minutes after the above.........more to follow.

Colin 🙂🙂🙂
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We had some rain over Hertfordshire overnight but few, if any, lightning strikes. Most of the lightning moved north-easterly over northern France, clipped the south-east corner of the UK and continued out over the North Sea.
The situation right now is:


Colin 🙂🙂🙂
22 cloudy, calm degrees.

We had rain between 5.30 and 5.37 am.

I know..
Because I was out there, dancing in it..!
Not enough to be useful.
Another couple of doses due over the next 48 hours.
It's all a bonus.