Weather Report..................

We must be crazy.
Been outside 7.15..
Gardening. Cooking breakfast and eating it under the parasol..
Then I checked the forecast..
It was for drizzle all Morning, late last night.
Yup confirms that it's raining until noon.
Should I ask Management to unpeg the laundry that's flapping in the gentle breezes.
31 degrees in the shade.
There's one ominously looking cloud, some miles to our south..
Should we play safe...?
16 calm, grey degrees..
Most unusual for the Summer Solstice.
The promised rain didn't arrive.
The promised 1mm of rain, today, probably won't either.

I'll arrange for a tractorload to come next week.

That'll bring the rain...
We set off for a gentle stroll around the village at 9.30.
The weather Gurus told us it was lightly raining from 9am to 4pm... Not a hint of rain, as we set out.
500 metres later, we became enveloped in a damp mist. Which has continued.
I dunno..!!
At least it's freshening up the greenery.
The weather Numpties almost got it right.
We watched the lovely, gentle rain falling. Refreshing the plantlife and filling cisterns.

Alas it all happened on the other side of the valley. One.
absolute wimp even lit his woodburner.

We collected about 30 litres of gritty , 5hitty roof water.
We're sitting in the evening sunshine, counting our blessing.
That should be all the rain that we're due, until October.
Mustn't grumble.
It's 13°C in Herts and the odd spot of rain has just fallen from a grey, miserable sky. We're expecting an awful lot more spots as the day proceeds, so I'm pleased that I managed a good few kilometres on the Brompton over the weekend.

Colin 🙂🙂🙂
Funny sort of Midsummers' Day..
Unexpected teaspoon of rain, overnight.
We only noticed it when we sat down on the terrace chairs, for breakfast.
The cushions LOOKED dry...
16 degrees, broken clouds at 8am. Sun cracking through by 9.
Now we're getting 10 minutes of either.
That's the forecast, too.