Weather Report..................

Herts has a light, bright layer of cloud this morning, though it's warm and no significant rain is predicted. ride?

Colin 🙂🙂🙂
Out early,
21 degrees at Sunrise.

Sunproofing the carport café.
Had to work our way from the inside, before the sun got round to it.
Usual snags, of course...
Every second hanging point was either over a mortice joint or a knothole..
That meant that we reached the front, to finish in the hot sun.. Naturally.. !
Outside temperature 45..
Inside ..31.. at 4.30 Pm.
I've earned that chilled beer, and the next..

My Labourer/ Ladder holder /Tool passer / Design Expert and Clerk of Works, all went AWOL, at ,2pm.

On the whole, they seem quite impressed.

The locals call cup hooks.." Prawns ", I've learnt.
Sun is trying to burn through on the Yorkshire coast.
Welcome home, Chris.
Lovely serene , sooty night, on the terrace.
The only illumination is from our screens.

How romantic.

Radio 4 Any Questions, on the radio..
Allowing me time to look up, sigh, and shout.." Bloody Norah..!! "
The tanker tractor came up at 6.00pm he's got 2 more trips to do and won't be home until 10pm.
We shared a couple of beers, while the cisterns were filling..
And charged me less than 2 years ago.
Made a poor exiled Tyke, very happy.
Overnight rain continued into late morning, but contrary to the wet forecast it has been dry for the last 3 hours and the sun is making an effort to break through .... the rain has freshened things up with one trout agreeing that it felt hungry 👍😀