Weather Report..................

It's already 20°C in Hertfordshire with a totally blue sky, still air and breakfast in the garden enjoyed some time ago.
We're expecting ~28°C later, so today's bike ride will be started just as soon as a sourdough loaf is out of the oven.

Colin 🙂🙂🙂
It's another cracker, 23° already.

The 1943 Spitfire G-BMSB has flown past on it's return to Biggin, the pilot murder have The been up even earlier thacelebn you lot. 🤣
Took his time, didn't he..
The pilot would be celebrating his 100th birthday, soon.

32 degrees already. 37 due later Not a whiff of a breeze .
Im keeping my shorts handy...
Just in case someone is foolhardy enough to walk past

Really hot .
Iced coffees on the menu.
We have amazing weather and it looks as if it'll be with us for a few days.
It was 20°C when I started the final stage of the Tour de Herts this morning and I finished 53km later when it was 27°C.
For a seriously ancient person on a hilly course I feel that an average of 22.7kph isn't bad.
Not only that, but by starting and finishing the stage before anyone else had arrived, I managed to come in first. If only there was a further stage tomorrow I could wear the maillot jaune.

Colin 🙂🙂🙂